Medals of Asia


  1. Marshal Badge and Sword
  2. Aide-de-camp to the Emperor (Chamberlain) Badge
  3. Commander Badges
  4. Army Proficiency Badges
    1. Army Marksmanship Badge
    2. Light Machine Gun Marksmanship Badge
    3. Heavy Machine Gun Marksmanship Badge
    4. Infantry Artillery Rapid-Firing Gun Shooting Badge
    5. Army Сavalry Equestrian Award Badge
    6. Tank/Armored Car Driver Badge
    7. Tank/Armored Car Shooting Badge
    8. Army Tractor Driver Badge
  5. Army War College Graduation Badges
  6. NCO Diligent Service Badge
  7. Bukosho/Military Merit Badge
  8. Army Award and Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs
  9. Navy Award and Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs
  10. Kenpeitai Badges, Insignia and Armbands
  11. Naval Academy Graduation Badges
  12. Army Schools Graduation Watch Fobs
  13. Aviation Schools Graduation Watch Fobs
  14. Navy Schools Graduation Watch Fobs
  15. Army Pilot Badges
  16. Air Force Units Badges and Watch Fobs
  17. Navy Proficiency Badges
    1. Japanese Submariner Badge
  18. Japanese Occupation of Philippines Badges
  19. Japanese Occupation of Malaya Badges
  20. Army and Naval Technology Merit Badges
  21. Military Affairs Merit Badges from Army and Navy
  22. Ministries of Army and Navy Youth Training Badges
  23. Imperial/Greater Japan Aviation Association Badges
  24. Women/Youth/Boys Japan Aviation Association Badges
  25. Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association Badges
  26. Army Battle Flags Support Associations Badges
  27. Promotion of Jukendo Association Badges
  28. Imperial Japan Military Dog Association Badges
  29. Japan National Defense Ski Badges
  30. Japanese Red Cross Society Badges and Watch Fobs
  31. Japanese Red Cross Society Charity Badges
  32. Earthquake Relief Commemorative Badges
  33. Ministry of Health and Welfare Badges
  34. Wound Badges
  35. KIA Bereaved Family Badges
  36. Conscription Insurance Badges
  37. Soldier's Family Badges and Door Plaques
  38. Three Heroic Human Bullets Badges
  39. Ministry of the Imperial Household Badges
  40. Staff Badges of Enthronement/Funeral Ceremonies
  41. Enthronements/Weddings/Birth of the Heir Badges
  42. Army Maneuvers Badges
  43. Navy Maneuvers Badges
  44. Army Arsenals and Factories Badges
  45. Naval Arsenals and Factories Badges
  46. Keibodan /Civil Defense Corps/ Badges
  47. Prefecturial National Defense Association Badges
  48. Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badges
  49. Battleship Mikasa Preservation Society Badges
  50. Siege of Tsingtao Commemorative Badges and Jettons
  51. Siberian Expedition of 1918–1922
  52. WW1 Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs
  53. Army and Civilian Equestrian Badges
  54. Air Defense Maneuvers Badges
  55. Independent Garrison Units Badges and Watch Fobs
  56. Great Japan Air Defense Association Badges
  57. Great Japan Chemical Defense Association Badges
  58. Imperial Military Reservist Association Badges
  59. Greater Japan Women's Patriotic Association
  60. Greater Japan National Defense Women's Association
  61. Japanese Army&Navy Officers' Wives Association
  62. Imperial Rule Assistance Association Badges
  63. National Spiritual Mobilization Movement Badges
  64. Shooting Badges and Watch Fobs
  65. "Civil Golden Kites" Badges
  66. Greater Japan Industrial Patriotic Association
  67. Imperial Japan Patriotic Badges
  68. 1908 Great White Fleet Visit to Japan
  69. 2600th Anniversary of the Japanese Empire Badges
  70. Japan Marine Rescue Association Badges and Medals
  71. Imperial Marine Association Badges
  72. Navy League Badges
  73. Japan Seafarers Relief Association Badges
  74. Accidents at Sea Symposium Badges
  75. Police Badges and Watch Fobs
  76. Japan Self-Defense Forces Badges and Watch Fobs
  77. Ministry of Education Badges
  78. Youth League /Seinen-dan/ Badges
  79. Physical Fitness Badges
  80. Friends of the Military Association Badges
  81. Formosa/Taiwan (1895-1945) Badges and Watch Fobs
  82. Chōsen/Korea (1910-1945) Badges and Watch Fobs
  83. Census Badges
  84. Badges of Prefectures, Cities and Villages
  85. Badges, Table Medals and Watch Fobs of Expositions
  86. Monopoly Bureau Badges
  87. Ministry of Communications/Post Office Badges
  88. Fire Brigade Badges
  89. Railway Badges
  90. Transport Badges
  91. Green Cross /Traffic Safety/ Badges
  92. Forestry Badges
  93. School and University Badges
  94. Sport Badges
  95. 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games Badges and Medals
  96. Scout Association of Japan Badges
  97. Butoku Kai and other Martial Arts Associations
  98. Kangeiko /Winter Training/ Badges and Watch Fobs
  99. Budo /Matrial Arts/ Badges and Watch Fobs
  100. Kendo Badges and Watch Fobs
  101. Judo Badges and Watch Fobs
  102. Sumo Badges and Watch Fobs
  103. Kyudo Badges and Watch Fobs
  104. National Sports Festival of Japan Badges
  105. Hunting Badges
  106. Badges of Newspapers and Publishing Houses
  107. Japanese Confectionery Companies Badges
  108. Great Japan Sericulture Association Badges
  109. Saiseikai Imperial Gift Foundation Badges
  110. Badges of Shrines and Religious Organizations
  111. Badges of Meiji Jingu Service Association
  112. Japan-USA Badges of Friendship and Cooperation
  113. Axis Badges


  1. Order of Saint Andrew the First Called
  2. Order of Saint Catherine
  3. Order of Saint Alexander Nevsky
  4. Order of Saint George
    1. Order of Saint George for 25 Years of Service
    2. Order of Saint George for 18 and 20 Campaigns
  5. Golden Weapon for Bravery/St. George's Weapon
  6. Order of Saint Vladimir
    1. Orders of St.Vladimir made by Kammerer&Keibel /KK/
    2. Orders of St.Vladimir made by Wilhelm Keibel /WK/
    3. Orders of St.Vladimir made by Julius Keibel /IK/
    4. Orders of St.Vladimir made by Albert Keibel /AK/
    5. Order of St.Vladimir made by Eduard /ИЛ; ВД/
    6. Orders of St.Vladimir for 18/20 Naval Campaigns
    7. Orders of St.Vladimir for 25-Years Long Service
    8. Orders of St.Vladimir for 35-Years Long Service
  7. Order of Saint Anna
    1. Orders of St.Anna made by Afanasy Panov /AP/
    2. Orders of St.Anna made by Immanuel Pannasch /IP/
    3. Orders of St.Anna made by Kammerer & Keibel /KK/
    4. Orders of St.Anna made by Wilhelm Keibel /WK/
    5. Orders of St.Anna made by Julius Keibel /IK/
    6. Orders of St.Аnna made by Albert Keibel /AK/
    7. Order of Saint Anna made by Eduard /ИЛ; ВД/
    8. Orders of St.Anna made by Dmitriy Osipov /ДО/
  8. Order of St. John (Russian Empire)
  9. Order of the White Eagle
    1. Orders of the White Eagle from 1715-1815
  10. Order of Saint Stanislaus
    1. Orders of Saint Stanislaus from 1705-1815
    2. Orders of Saint Stanislaus from 1815-1831 period
    3. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Pannasch /IP/
    4. Orders of St.Stanislaus made by Kammerer&Keibel
    5. Orders of St.Stanislaus made by Wilhelm Keibel
    6. Orders of St.Stanislaus made by Julius Keibel /IK/
    7. Order of St. Stanislaus made by Albert Keibel /AK/
    8. Order of St. Stanislaus made by Eduard /ИЛ; ВД/
  11. Order of Virtuti Militari (Russian Empire)
  12. Imperial Russian Orders for Non-Christians