japanese puppet state badge

  1. 1930 Chōsen Government Railway Achievement Badge/昭和五年十一月十二日朝鮮總督府鐵道朝鮮總督府效績章

    Obverse Emblem of 1930 Chōsen Government Railway 效績章 - Achievement Badge reverse 昭和五年十一月十二日 - November 12, 1930 朝鮮總督府 - Office of the Governor-General of Korea
  2. 1936-1938 Dōngbian Road Enforcement Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/昭和十一•十三年邊道粛正工作記念章

    Matsubara Unit Badge. https://asiamedals.info/threads/kite-design-independent-garrison-units-commemorative-badges.23759/#post-352038
  3. Hsinking Broadcasting Office of Manchurian Telegraph&Telephone Joint Stock Company Commemorative Watch Fob/満洲電信電話新京放送局記念章

    Manchurian Telegraph & Telephone Joint Stock Company. /満洲電信電話株式会社 or abbreviation 満洲電電/ was established on August 31, 1933, and was a national joint venture between Japan and Manchuria that ceased to exist in 1945. It exclusively operated the telecommunications business (including...
  4. Temporary Dispatch to Korea Commemorative Watch Fob/振武臨時朝鮮派遣記念章

    Watch fob with a same design of obverse https://asiamedals.info/threads/suppression-of-taiwan-barbarians-commemorative-watch-fob.27521/ Obverse 振武 = 神武 /Shinbu/ - "military might" or, in the narrow sense, "sublime martial moral power". The idea of shinbu embraces physical, spiritual and...
  5. New People's Society of the Republic of China (Shinminkai) Badges/中華民國新民會章

    "Shinminkai/中華民國新民會/New People's Society of the Republic of China" had been established on December 24, 1937 as the brainchild of Major General Seiichi Kita, modeled on the Concordia Association in neighboring Manchukuo. It was essentially a political organ that was designed to spread the...
  6. 1937 Creating a New Shanghai after the War Commemorative Medal/1937年戰後創造新上海紀念章

    Obviously these badges was designed after the order of Striped Tiger. Because of the positioning of the yin-yang symbol it looks like a Shinminkai award https://asiamedals.info/threads/new-peoples-society-of-the-republic-of-china-shinminkai-badges.26468/ but since New People's Society of the...
  7. 1943 New People's Society of the Republic of China (Shinminkai) Commemorative Badge/中華民國三十二年三月中華民國新民會贈紀念章

    Obverse Flag of New People's Society /Shinminkai/ 紀念 - Commemorative reverse 同志 - Comrade 結合 - Union 中華民國新民會贈 - Gift from/Presented by the New People's Society of the Republic of China 中華民國三十二年三月- March 3, 1943 Marked with barely readable 紋銀 - fine silver. Original case. 紀念章 -...
  8. Northern Shanxi Autonomous Government Medal/晋北自治政府章

    The North Shanxi Autonomous Government /also known as the Jinbei Autonomous Government; Chinese: 晋北自治政府; pinyin: Jìnběi zìzhì zhèngfǔ/ was an administratively autonomous component of Mengjiang from its creation in 1937 to its complete merger into Mengjiang in 1939. Following the Japanese...
  9. 1938 Head of the Mengjiang Government Visit to Japan and Manchukuo Commemorative Watch Fob/成紀七三三年蒙疆三自治政府縣長日滿視察紀念紀念章

    Obverse ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ - Mongolian [People] 紀念 - Commemorative reverse 蒙疆三自治政府縣長 - Head of the Three Autonomous Governments of Mengjiang (i.e. Demchigdonrob https://asiamedals.info/threads/mengjiang-autonomous-government-genghis-khan-military-merit-badge.24588/#post-351981) 日滿視察紀念 - Visit to Japan...
  10. 1931-1932 Yecheon-Andong Railway Line Construction Commemorative Watch Fob/醴泉安東間建設記念章

    Obverse Chosen Railway Logo reverse 醴泉安東間 - Section [of Railway Line] Between Yecheon and Andong 建設記念 - Construction Commemorative
  11. 1934 Korean Vocational School Athletic Federation Award Watch Fob/朝鮮専門学校体育聯盟朝鮮総督賞章

    Obverse 朝鮮総督 - Governor-General of Korea 賞 -Award reverse 朝鮮専門学校 - Korean Vocational/Technical School 体育聯盟 - Athletic Federation Stamped 2594 = 1934
  12. 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire Japanese Celebratory Arts Envoy Badge/満洲建國拾周年慶祝芸能使節章

    Size 30 x 20 mm. Obverse 満洲建國拾周年 - 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire 慶祝芸能使節 - Celebratory [Performing] Arts Envoy reserve 満洲建国拾周年慶祝会 - 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire Celebration Committee 魅日満洲帝國大使舘 - Ambassador of Japan in Manchukuo Empire 對満事務局 = 対満事務局 - Secretariat of...
  13. Chōsen Shimbun Badges and Watch Fobs/朝鮮新聞社章

    "Gloria" watch fob. Size 32 x 27 mm. Reverse 朝鮮新聞社 - Chōsen shinbun-sha /Chosen (Korea) Newspaper/
  14. Governor-General of Korea Postal Long Service Badges/朝鮮總督府勤績章

    1936. Obverse Post office emblem https://asiamedals.info/forums/ministry-of-communications-post-office-badges.632/ 勤績 - Attendance/Long Service reverse 昭和十一年十月一日 - October 1, 1936 (date engraved) 勤績章 - Attendance Badge 朝鮮總督府 - Governor-General of Korea Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  15. 1940 Manchukuo Extraordinary Census Taker’s Badge/康徳七年臨時国勢調査徽章

    Obverse 臨時國勢調査徽章 - Extraordinary Census Badge 康徳七年 - 1940 reverse 國務院 - State Council
  16. Local Administrations Merit Badge from the Prime Minister of Manchukuo‎/満州帝國國務總理大臣地方行政功勞章

    One of the very last badges that were introduced in Manchukuo before the end of WW2. It was established on December 19, 1944. Badge was made in silvered metal and awarded to prefecture, city and village government employees for their meritorious service. Badge was worn on the right side of the...
  17. 1938 Manchukuo-Italy "Pronto Italia" Badge/康德五年満州帝国伊井章

    Could be related to this visit https://asiamedals.info/threads/young-manchukuo-in-pictures-italian-national-fascist-party-visit-to-manchukuo.24071/ Original ribbon and pin were lost. Obverse 康德五年 - 1938
  18. 1933 Opening of the Labin Line Gojo Garrison Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和八年十二月九日五常守備隊拉濱線開通記念章

    Size 35 x 45 mm. Weight 15 g. Obverse 拉濱線開通記念 - Opening of the Labin Line Commemorating 五常守備隊 - Gojo Garrison reverse 昭和八年十二月九日 - December 9, 1933
  19. Award Watch Fob from the Korea Regional Headquarters of Butoku Kai/大日本武徳会朝鮮地方本部賞章

    See https://asiamedals.info/forums/butoku-kai-and-other-martial-arts-associations.743/ 1st variation. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 大日本武徳會 - Dai Nippon Butoku Kai 朝鮮地方本部 - Korea Regional Headquarters
  20. Manchurian Judo Yudankai Association Watch Fob/満州柔道有段会章

    Size 36.5 х 33.5 mm. Weight 25 g. Obverse 柔 for 柔道 - Judo reverse 満州柔道有段會 - Manchurian Judo Yudankai [lit. association of those who have dan]