Silver Kanji vs. Gold Kanji: Lettering on the Lids of the Japanese Order Cases

Formally silver kanji were introduced on December 28, 1937 by Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 60 that prohibited the use (as wartime austerity measure) of gold in inscriptions, trademarks, etc.

Excerpt from original ordinance.

"... may no longer be produced ...

4. Gold letters, gold silk, gold dust/powder, and other printing /四 金文字、金絲、金散シ其ノ他印刷用/
5. Gold lettering, trademarks and other signs /五 金文字、商標!他標識/

... ".

Ordinance No. 60 was later reinforced by Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 51 issued on August 20, 1938.

Two cases for the 4th class Golden Kite order with gold and silver lettering.

Silver Kanji vs. Gold Kanji.jpg
Silver  Kanji vs. Gold Kanji.jpg

Two cases for the 8th class Rising Sun order with gold and silver kanji.

Silver  Kanji vs. Gold  Kanji.jpg
Silver  Kanji vs. Gold Kanji.jpg
Honor Medals will be issued inside cases with silver kanjis until 1957.

Medal issued on May 15, 1957.

May  15, 1957.jpg
May 15, 1957.jpg

May 15,  1957.jpg
Set that was issued on August 5, 1957.

August 5, 1957.jpg
August  5, 1957.jpg

August 5,  1957.jpg
August 5,   1957.jpg
More or less stable transition to the golden inscriptions occurred around 1958.
The earliest known (for today) set with golden kanjis that was issued on January 29, 1958 (note that the style of the kanjis is a "modern" one).

January 29, 1958.jpg
January  29, 1958.jpg

January 29,  1958.jpg
January 29,    1958.jpg

Such "modern" style of kanjis was in use at least since 1951

Red   Ribbon Medal of Honour issued in 1951.jpg

Another example with golden kanjis from 1958

Blue Ribbon Honor Medal.jpg
Set with a golden kanji (of old style) case issued on February 11, 1959.

February 11, 1959.jpg
February  11, 1959.jpg

February  11,  1959.jpg
February 11,   1959.jpg
4th class Rising Sun order awarded on September 18, 1938.

4th class Rising Sun order.jpg

Silver kanji.

4th class Rising  Sun order.jpg

4th class Rising  Sun  order.jpg

4th class  Rising  Sun order.jpg
Dark blue ribbon issued on September 18, 1957. Probably one of the last sets with silver kanji (September 27, 1957 is the top known coordinated for the cases with silver kanjies).

September  18, 1957.jpg

September 18, 1957.jpg
Case of requisitioned worker merit badge that was introduced on February 26, 1944.

Requisitioned  Workers Badge   応徴士徽章.jpg
Requisitioned Workers Badge   応徴士徽章.jpg
  • Tags
    dating japanese award dating japanese medal case dating japanese medals dating japanese orders gold kanji lettering on the japanese order cases golden vs. silver kanji on case lid japanese awards and decorations japanese medal case japanese medal case with golden inscription japanese medal case with silver inscription japanese order case with silver inscription japanese order case with silver lettering silver kanji lettering on japanese order case time borders of silver kanjies
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