Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1955

Set that was awarded on November 14, 1955. Note highly unusual case (look like they used case for 7th/8th class Rising Sun order. Typical cases for a medals from 1940s/1950s ; and modified miniature rosette.

Blue Ribbon  Medal of Honor awarded in 1955.jpg
Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded  in 1955.jpg

Engraved with

北村平三郎 - Kitamura Heizaburō /he served as speaker of the Kyoto Prefectural Assembly/.

Case with silver kanjis.

Blue Ribbon Medal of Honor awarded in 1955.jpg
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    blue ribbon medal of honor blue ribbon medal of honor awarded in 1955 japanese blue ribbon medal of honor japanese medal and awards japanese medal of honor japanese medal of honour 藍綬褒章
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