7th Class Golden Kite order posthumously awarded in 1938 to Army Engineer Superior Private Takao Nakatani

Posthumous group.

7th Class Golden Kite order posthumously awarded in 1938.jpg

Awarded on September 17, 1938 (date of death) to 中谷隆雄 - Takao Nakatani.


Kite No. 199 041


Classical mint-made speciment from late 1930s.

7th Class Golden Kite order  posthumously  awarded in 1938.jpg

7th Class Golden Kite order  posthumously awarded in 1938.jpg

7th Class  Golden Kite order posthumously awarded in 1938.jpg
His document for the China Incident Medal has the same date September 17, 1938 (medal will be created only in 1939).

China Incident Medal.jpg

Thanks to this document we know his rank

陸軍工兵上等兵 - Army Engineer Superior Soldier

China   Incident Medal.jpg

China Incident   Medal.jpg

China Incident  Medal.jpg

China  Incident  Medal.jpg
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    7th class golden kite awarded in 1938 7th class golden kite order golden kite order golden kite order document golden kite order for china incident 功七級金鵄勲章 金鵄勲章
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