Orders of the Rising Sun in Cases for a Foreigners

Very early (variation with kanjis inside) 5th class case.

5th class case.jpg

5th  class case.jpg
5th class  case.jpg
6th class Rising Sun order.

6th class Rising Sun order.jpg

6th  class Rising Sun order.jpg

6th class  Rising Sun order.jpg

6th class Rising Sun  order.jpg

6th class  Rising Sun  order.jpg
4th class Rising Sun order in case for foreigners.

4th class Rising Sun order inside a case for foreigners..jpg

4th class Rising  Sun order inside a case for foreigners..jpg
4th  class Rising Sun order inside a case for foreigners..jpg

4th class Rising Sun order case for foreigners..jpg

4th class Rising Sun order case for foreigners.jpg


4th  class Rising Sun order case for foreigners.jpg
4th class Rising Sun order  case for  foreigners.jpg

4th class Rising Sun order case for  foreigners.jpg

Label with a partly readable inscription in French "Officer's Order of the Rising Sun".

Empty case for the 4th class Rising Sun order.

Width approx. 82 mm.
Height approx. 118 mm.
Thickness approx. 34 mm.
Weight approx. 104 g.

4th  class Rising Sun order case for foreigners.jpg
4th class Rising Sun order case for foreigners.jpg

4th class Rising  Sun order case for foreigners.jpg
4th class Rising Sun order case for  foreigners.jpg
Empty case for the 5th class Rising Sun order.

Width approx. 88 mm.
Height approx. 115 mm.
Thickness approx. 35 mm.
Weight approx. 111 g.


勲五等双光旭日章 ..jpg
Early 4th class Rising Sun order case for foreigners. Note that there are no kanjis on the lid and order ribbon doesn't have a rosette.

4th class Rising Sun order case for foreigners.jpg
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    case for foreigners cases with paulownia flowers japanese case for order of rising sun japanese case with paulownia flowers japanese order in cases for foreigners order of the rising sun verleihungsetui für ausländer
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