manchukuo badge

  1. 1940 East Asia Games Participation Badges/紀元二千六百年奉祝東亞競技大會参加章

    Reverse 2600 = 1940 参加章 - Participant Badge 紀元二千六百年奉祝 - 2600th [anniversary of the founding of the Empire] Celebration 東亞競技大會 - East Asia Games
  2. 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire Commemorative Badges/満州帝国建国十周年記念章

    Light aluminium alloy and paint. Typical materials for the badge from 1942. Reverse 瑞雲十字章 - Auspicious Clouds Cross Badge Original pocket. 満州帝國建國十周年 - 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire 瑞雲十字章 - Auspicious Clouds Cross Badge The only known manufacturer of these badge (known for...
  3. Central National Service Training Office Commemorative Badge/中央國民奉仕訓練處奉仕記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 奉仕記念 - Service Commemorative reverse 中央國民奉仕訓練處 - Central National Service Training Office
  4. Victorious Return from Manchuria Watch Fob/昭和八年一月福島縣學童生徒教職員一同滿洲凱旋章
  5. 1st Infantry Battalion Independent Guard Imperial Visit Commemorative Badge/獨立守備歩兵第一大隊御巡狩紀念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 御巡狩紀念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative [巡狩 (archaic, of an emperor) to embark an inspection tour of the realm, literally "touring and hunting"] reverse 獨立守備 - Independent Guard 歩兵第一大隊 - 1st Infantry Battalion 昭和九年十一月 - November 1934
  6. 6th Infantry Regiment, 7th Company Association Manchuria Dispatch Commemorative Badge/歩第六.第七中隊會満洲派遣記念章
  7. 58th Anniversary of 3rd Field Artillery Regiment Watch Fob/野砲三第五十八回創立記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 第五十八回創立記念 - 58th Anniversary of the Founding 野砲三 - 3rd Field Artillery Regiment was established in Meiji 11 [1878], so the badge dates to 1936. This aligns perfectly with the regiment's order of battle since it was garrisoned in Manchukuo from Showa 9...
  8. Longjiang County Tax Inspector Badge/龍江税務监督署章

    Obverse 龍江税務监督署 - Longjiang County Inspectorate of Taxation /Tax Administration/ punched number 4 on reverse. Longjiang (simplified Chinese: 龙江; traditional Chinese: 龍江; pinyin: Lóngjiāng) is a county in the west of Heilongjiang province of Manchukuo.
  9. Manchurian Electrical Association Badges/社團法人満洲電氣協會章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 二十五年以上満洲電氣從業者 - Manchurian Electrician For More Than 25 Years 君 - Master 昭和九年 - 1934 社團法人満洲電氣協會 - Manchurian Electrical Association /Manshū Dengyōkai/ Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  10. Manchukuo People's College of Higher Education Commemorative Badge/满洲国民高等学院紀念章

    Obverse 紀念章 - Commemorative Badge reverse 满洲國民高等學院 - Manchukuo People's College of Higher Education
  11. Manchuria Tuberculosis Prevention Association Badge/满洲結核豫防會章

    Obverse 满 for 满洲 - Manchuria 結 for 結核 - Tuberculosis 豫 for 豫防 - Prevention reverse 满洲結核豫防會 - Manchuria Tuberculosis Prevention Association
  12. Manchukuo Labour Merit Badges/滿洲帝國勤勞有功章

    Established on October 11, 1943 in two grades. 勤勞有功章 - Labour Merit Badge 勤勞 - Hard-working; Industrious 有功 - Have Performed Meritorious Service/Rendered Great Service 章 - Badge Illustrations from...
  13. Chosen-Manetsu Railways Visiting Group Badge/鮮満案内所 鮮満現察團章

    See also Obverse Emblems of Manetsu (South Manchuria Railway) and Chosen (Korean) Government Railway. 鮮満現察團 - Chosen-Manetsu Railways Visiting Group reverse 鮮満案内所 - Chosen-Manetsu Information...
  14. Locomotive Engine Training Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十一年度機関術修業記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Judging by the kaoliang/sorghum branches around the army star and typical manchurian landscape this watch fob could be issued by the South Manchuria Railway. Reverse 昭和十一年度 - 1936 機関術修業記念 - Engine Skill Training Commemorative
  15. Manchukuo Youth League Watch Fob/滿洲帝國青年團章

    Obverse 滿洲帝國 - Manchukuo 青年團 - Youth League Tunic of the boy with the Manchukuo national flag is dotted with inscriptions. Torso 大亞細亞主義 - Japanese Pan-Asianism Left leg 五族共和 - Five Races Under One Union Right leg 社会正義 - Social Justice Feet of the boy are trampling underfoot 邪悪 - Evil
  16. Imperial Railway Association 1936 Dairen General Meeting Commemorative Badge/帝國鐵道協會昭和十一年五月於大連市総會紀念徽章

    See also badge with similar design Photo courtesy of the owner. Suspension 帝國鐵道協會 - Imperial Railway Association 総會徽章 - General Meeting Badge Reverse 帝國鐵道協會 - Imperial Railway Association 第三十三定時総會紀念 -...
  17. Award Watch Fob from Manchurian Railway Department Kwantung Leased Territory Office/滿鐵地方部關東州廳第六回戶外週間紀念賞章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Length 39 mm. Height 34 mm. Weight 16.5 g. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 第六回 - 6th 戶外週間紀念 - Outdoor Week Commemorative 滿鐵地方部 - Manchurian Railway Department 關東州廳 - Kwantung Leased Territory Office
  18. Manchukuo Cufflinks/滿洲帝國カフスボタン

    同和-Social Integration Marked 純銀 - Pure Silver.
  19. Award Watch Fobs of Manchurian News/滿洲新奨章

    Index thread devoted to the Manchukuo Newspapers Silvered version. Size 27.5 mm. Weight 10.7 g. Private collection. Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 滿洲新奨章 - Manchurian News Badge
  20. Award Watch Fobs of Manchuria Daily Report Newspaper/滿洲日報紙章

    Silver version. 1st stamp variation. Size 29.6 x 21.6 mm. Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 滿洲日報紙 - Manchuria Daily Report Marked 純銀 - pure silver.