manchukuo badge

  1. Manchurian Group Preparation Commemorative Watch Fob/満州団備記念章

    Size 27 mm. Weight 11.71 g. Obverse 満州団 - Manchurian Group/Team 備記念 - Preparation/Equipping Commemorative
  2. Manchurian Incident KIA Commemorative Badges
  3. 1936 Subjugation of Bandits Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和拾壹年匪賊討伐從軍記念討匪記念章

    Obverse 討匪記念 - Suppression of Bandits reverse 昭和拾壹年 - 1936 匪賊討伐 - Subjugation of Bandits 從軍記念 - Serving in the Army Commemorative
  4. 1933 Tieling City Manchurian Incident Security Commemorative Incident Commemorative Watch Fob/1933年満州事変警備記念鐵嶺事局後援会章

    Size 45.5×34.5 mm. Weight 26 g. Obverse 義勇 - Heroism, Loyalty and Courage reverse 満州事変警備記念 - Manchurian Incident Security Commemorative 鐵嶺事局後援會 - Tieling (a prefecture-level city in Liaoning) Incident Affairs Bureau Supporter's Association 昭和八年 - 1933
  5. Hsinking Shikishima Girl’s High School Badge/新京敷島高等女学校章

    Obverse Emblem of the Hsinking Shikishima Women’s High School reverse 新京敷島 - Hsinking /capital of the Manchukuo; renamed from Changchun by the Japanese) Shikishima 高等女学校 - Girls’s High School Mark 純銀 - pure silver. Case. Label of Hattori workshop.
  6. 1936 Guarding Service Commemorative in Holmozin Fortress Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十一年黒河省霍爾莫津警備記念章

    Size 38 mm. Obverse 記念 - Commemorative Reverse 昭和十一年 - 1936 自三月 - From March 至五月- Until May 黒河省霍爾莫津 - Heihe Province, Holmozin [Holmozin Fortress, also known as Shengshan Fortress, was a huge military base established by the Japanese Frontier Guard in the northeast of China after the...
  7. Aide-de-camp (Chamberlain) to the Emperor of Manchukuo Badge

    Established on November 28, 1932. Original line drawings and description.
  8. 1941 Mudanjiang No. 668 Unit Engineer Training Faculty Member Watch Fob/1941年牡丹江第六六八部隊機関員教育隊章

    Reverse 二六〇一年 - 1941 牡丹江第六六八部隊 - Mudanjiang No. 668 Unit 機関員教育隊 - Engineer Training Faculty Member
  9. Manchukuo Army Pilot Badge/滿洲國陸軍飛行機操縱術修得徽章

    Manchukuo Army Airplane Piloting Mastery Badge /滿洲國陸軍飛行機操縱術修得徽章/ was established by Army ordinance No.1 /軍分第一號/ on March 30, 1940 /康德七年三月三十日/. Ordinance came into effect on April 1, 1940. Original line drawings and description. Reverse inscribed 滿洲國陸軍飛行機 - Manchukuo Army Airplane...
  10. 74th Infantry Regiment Jiandao Dispatch Commemorative Watch Fob/和昭七八年歩兵第七十四連隊間島出兵記念章

    See also ; Reverse 和昭七八年 - 1932-1933 間島出兵記念 - Jiandao Dispatch...
  11. 1937 Sakin Unit Bandits Subjugation Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十二年砂金部隊討伐記念章

    Reverse 昭和十二年 -1937 討伐記念 - [Bandits] Subjugation Commemorative 砂金部隊 - Sakin [lit. gold dust] Unit
  12. 1939 Anzu Unit Okazaki Squad Suppression of Bandits Commemorative Watch Fob/1939年杏部隊岡崎隊討伐記念章

    Watch fob in the form of "V" for Victory. Obverse 討匪 - Suppression of Bandits reverse 2599 - 1939 討伐記念 - Subjugation Commemorative 杏部隊岡崎隊 - Anzu Unit Okazaki Squad
  13. Tsurumi Detachment Dūnníng Road Extension Commemorative Watch Fob/鶴見支隊敦甯道拓進記念章

    Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 鶴見支隊敦甯道拓進記念 - Tsurumi Detachment Dūnníng Road Extension Commemorative * Tricky kanji 甯 = 寧 = 宁 自七・五・一〇 - from May 10, 1932 至七・七・一〇 - until July 10, 1932 Three places that are shown on the map. 甯安 = 宁安市 - Ning’An City...
  14. Manchuria Academic Research Group Badge/満蒙学術調査研究団章

    Size 21 mm. 満蒙學術調査研究團 - Manchuria Academic Research Group Marked 純銀 - pure silver and Tamaya workshop mark 玉
  15. General Ma Zhanshan Subjugation 15th Infantry Regiment Triumphal Return Commemorative Watch Fob/皇紀二五九二年日歩兵第十五聯隊馬占山討伐支事変凱旋記念章

    See also Height approx. 40 mm. Width approx. 30 mm. Reverse 皇紀二五九二年 - 1932 日支事変凱旋記念 - Japan-China Incident (instead of typical "Manchurian Incident") Triumphal Return Commemorative 歩兵第十五聯隊 -...
  16. 1936-1938 Dōngbian Road Enforcement Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/昭和十一•十三年邊道粛正工作記念章

    Matsubara Unit Badge.
  17. Hsinking Broadcasting Office of Manchurian Telegraph&Telephone Joint Stock Company Commemorative Watch Fob/満洲電信電話新京放送局記念章

    Manchurian Telegraph & Telephone Joint Stock Company. /満洲電信電話株式会社 or abbreviation 満洲電電/ was established on August 31, 1933, and was a national joint venture between Japan and Manchuria that ceased to exist in 1945. It exclusively operated the telecommunications business (including...
  18. Manchukuo Insignia and Hat Badges in 1938 Catalogue of Yanagisawa Firm

  19. Manchukuo Book and Magazine Dealers Association Commendation Plaque/満洲書籍雑誌商組合表彰額

    Reverse 表彰 - Commendation 勤讀 - Diligence (unfilled) 年 - Year (unfilled) 昭和 年 月 - Showa Year Month (unfilled) 満洲 - Manchuria 書籍雑誌商組合 - Manchuria Book and Magazine Dealers Association
  20. 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire Japanese Celebratory Arts Envoy Badge/満洲建國拾周年慶祝芸能使節章

    Size 30 x 20 mm. Obverse 満洲建國拾周年 - 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire 慶祝芸能使節 - Celebratory [Performing] Arts Envoy reserve 満洲建国拾周年慶祝会 - 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire Celebration Committee 魅日満洲帝國大使舘 - Ambassador of Japan in Manchukuo Empire 對満事務局 = 対満事務局 - Secretariat of...