manchukuo awards and decorations

  1. Hyogo Prefecture Visit of His Majesty the Emperor of Manchuria Guarding Commemorative Badge/満州国皇帝陛下御来訪兵庫県御警衛記念章

    1st variation. Reverse 昭和十年四月- April 1935 満州國皇帝陛下御来訪 - Visit of His Majesty the Emperor of Manchuria 御警衛記念 - Imperial Guard Commemorative 兵庫縣 - Hyogo Prefecture Original case. 兵庫縣火防組合聯合會 - Hyogo Fire Fighting Union Association
  2. 1940 North Manchuria Takeda Unit Stationing Commemorative Watch Fob/2600年武田部隊北満守備駐屯記念章

    Obverse 武田部隊 - Takeda Unit reverse 北満守備 - North Manchuria 駐屯記念 - Stationing Commemorative 2600 = 1940 穆稜河 - Muling River Muling/Muren is a river in Northeast China, a left tributary of the Ussuri. Its length is 577 kilometres, and its basin area is approximately 18,500 square kilometres...
  3. 1935 Emperor of Manchuria Visit Kyobashi Ward Commemorative Medal/區京橋満州國皇帝陛下御來訪紀念章

    Obverse 奉迎 - Welcome reverse 満州國皇帝陛下御來訪紀念 - His Majesty the Emperor of Manchuria Visit Commemorative 區京橋 - Kyobashi Ward ニ五九五 -1935 Ribbon.
  4. Manchukuo International Student Association Building Competition Commemorative Medal/満洲國留日學生會館落成記念章

    Diameter 61 mm. Thickness 5 mm. Weight 130 g. Reverse 満洲国留日字生会館落成記念 - Manchukuo International Student Association Building Competition /lit. Manchukuo Students Studing in Japan Association/ Association was established in June 1936. Official aim and purpose of the organization was promoting...
  5. Pillars of the State on Cavaliers

    Rare photo of Manchukuo prison service officer (chief warden) with 7th class order of the Pillar of the States. See also
  6. 1933 Manchurian Exposition Held in Dalian City Opening Ceremony Commemorative Medal/満洲大博覧会 大連市開催 開会式記念章

    大連市催 - Held in Dalian 満洲大博覧会 - Manchurian Exposition 開会式記念 - Opening Ceremony Commemoration Details. 博 - Expo 昭和八年七月二十三日 - July 23, 1933
  7. Unofficial Manchukuo Foundation Merit Medal/非公式 建国大典記念章

    Obverse 建國 - Founding of the Country/Founding of a Nation reverse 大滿洲國 - Great Manchukuo 建國功勞章 - Founding of the Country Merit Medal 大同元年三月 - March 1932 Original case. 建國功勞章 - Founding of the Country Merit Medal 大滿洲國 - Great Manchukuo
  8. Manchukuo Disabled Veterans Association Badges/滿洲傷痍軍人会会員章

    See also No.2046 (photo courtesy of the owner). Reverse 滿洲傷痍軍人會 - Manchukuo Disabled Veterans Association 會員章 - Membership Badge
  9. East Asia Education Tokyo Conference Badges/紀示二千六百年紀念 東亞教育東京大會章

    1st variation. Photo courtesy of the owner. 紀元二千六百年記念 - 2600th [anniversary of the founding of the Empire] Commemorative 東亞教育大會 - East Asia Education Conference 催主 - Sponsored/organized by 東京市 - Tokyo City 帝國教育會 - Japanese Imperial Educational Association Ribbon. 委員 - Committee...
  10. 8th class Pillars of the State Order with Paper Wrapper

    Rare original paper wrapper. Inscribed 柱國章勲八位- 8th class Order of the Pillars Badge.
  11. Emperor Puyi Security Protection by 3rd Independent Guard Batallion Commemorative Watch Fob/獨守歩第三大隊 御警衛記念章

    Obverse 御警衛記念 - Emperor Guarding/Escorting Commemorative reverse 獨守歩第三大隊 - 3rd Independent Guard/Security Batallion 昭和九年六月十五日 - June 15, 1934
  12. Medal from the Xinglong Office of Rehe Province/熱河省 興隆辦事處 獎章

    Obverse 獎章 - Medal reverse 熱河省 - Rehe province 興隆辦事處 - Xinglong office (of government)
  13. Commemorative Medal for the Completion of the Central Bank of Manchukuo Mint Building/满洲中央银行造幣厰竣工記念章

    Bronze. Size 75 mm. Reverse 满洲中央银行造幣厰 - Central Bank of Manchou Mint 康德二年十二月竣工 - Completed in December 1935 Case.
  14. 3rd Business Convention of Japan-Manchukuo Society Commemorative Badge/康德三年九月 第三回日満社會 事業大會紀念章

    康德三年九月 - September 1936 第三回日満社會 - 3rd Japan-Manchukuo Society (where 日 - for 日本/Japan and 満 for Manchukuo/滿洲帝國). 事業大會紀念章 - Business Convention Commemorative Badge
  15. Medal for Loyalty and Bravery to Imperial Palace Guards/康德三年九月皇宮近衛忠誠勇章

    These medals were issued to the member's of Emperor Pu Yi Imperial Guards who did not trust the occupying Japanese and wanted some sort of military power of his own. Pu Yi had recruited around 300 young able bodied civilians from Inner Mongolia and Beijing led by a dozen of his former body...
  16. Installation of a Deity in a New Dairen Shrine Commemorative Medal/大連神社正遷座記念章

    Table commemorative medal from 1933. Size 54.4 mm. Thickness 6 mm. Weight 128.8 g. Obverse 正遷座記念 - Installation of a Deity in a New Shrine Commemorative 正遷座 = 正遷座祭 = 遷宮/Sengū - construction of a new shrine and transfer of the enshrined object from the old to the new (occurring at a...
  17. Unofficial Manchukuo Foundation Commemorative Medals/非公式滿洲國建国大典記念章

    1st type. Gilded metal. 34 mm. Obverse 建国記念 - Founding of the Country Commemorative 大同元年三月 - March 1932
  18. Destroyed Orders of the Pillars of the State

    Surprisingly these lovely orders are aften victimized by time, the environment and especially by those who live in this environment.
  19. Manchukuo National Foundation Day Badges/建国節参加賞章

    Obverse 建国 - Founding of a Nation reverse 建国節参加賞 - National Foundation Day Participation Award 康徳六年三月一日 - 1st day, 3rd Month, 6th year of Kangde era = March 1, 1939
  20. Medal Bar with Manchukuo National Census Commemorative Medal and Winner's Сurse

    It would be a pretty standard medal bar if not for this medal. Manchukuo National Census Commemorative Medal. A little bit "bloomed" but it happens. Original assembly.