1940 North Manchuria Takeda Unit Stationing Commemorative Watch Fob/2600年 武田部隊 北満守備駐屯記念章

武田部隊 北満守備駐屯記念章.jpg


武田部隊 - Takeda Unit


北満守備 - North Manchuria

駐屯記念 - Stationing Commemorative

2600 = 1940

穆稜河 - Muling River

Muling/Muren is a river in Northeast China, a left tributary of the Ussuri. Its length is 577 kilometres, and its basin area is approximately 18,500 square kilometres. Jixi and Hulin are located on Muling River. The area of the river is known by Sino-Soviet conflict (1929) and battles between Soviet and Kwantung Armies.

武田部隊 北満守備駐屯記念章.jpg
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    1940 north manchuria takeda unit stationing badge 2600年武田部隊北満守備駐屯記念章 manchukuo badge 北満守備駐屯記念章
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