Osaka Mainichi Shimbun badges and watch fobs/大阪毎日新聞社章

The Mainichi Shimbun (毎日新聞, literally "Daily Newspaper") is one of the major newspapers in Japan, published by The Mainichi Newspapers Co. The history of the Mainichi Shinbun began with the founding of two papers during the Meiji period. The Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun was founded first, in 1872. The Mainichi claims that it is the oldest existing Japanese daily newspaper[citation needed] with its 136-year history. The Osaka Mainichi Shimbun was founded four years later, in 1876. The two papers merged in 1911, but the two companies continued to print their newspapers independently until 1943, when both editions were placed under a Mainichi Shimbun masthead. In 1966, the Tokyo office was moved from Yurakucho to Takebashi, and in 1992, the Osaka office was moved from Dojima to Nishi-Umeda.​

毎日新聞社 賞.jpg
毎日新聞社 賞 (2).jpg


- award


毎日新聞社 - Mainichi Shimbun
毎日新聞社 - Mainichi Shimbun.jpg

毎日新聞社  Mainichi Shimbun.jpg


毎日新聞社 - Mainichi Shimbun
Award watch fob with unusual design.

毎日新聞社 - Mainichi Shimbun.jpg
毎日新聞社 - Mainichi Shimbun.jpg
毎日新聞社 Mainichi Shimbun.jpg


大毎旅行會 -

from 大阪市 - Osaka

from 毎日新聞社 - Mainichi Shimbun

旅行會 - Travel Association

毎日新聞社  Mainichi Shimbun.jpg

毎日新聞社 - Mainichi Shimbun.
Trumpet Tournament Badge.jpg


ラッパ大会 - Trumpet Tournament

最優良賞 - Best Performance [Superior Quality] Award

大毎名古屋総局 - Osaka Mainichi Shimbun Nagoya General Bureau


2600 = 1940

Trumpet Tournament  Badge.jpg

1939 Youth School National Defense Motorized Vehicle March Badge 主催大阪毎日新聞社青年學校國防自轉車行軍章.jpg

Japan Defense Ski Qualification Badge.jpg
Silver award obidome.



表彰 - Award/Commendation

大阪毎日新聞社 - Osaka Mainichi Shimbun

東京日日新聞社 - Tokyo Nichinichi Shimbun

Marked with manufacturer's mark and

純銀 - Silver

  • Tags
    japanese newspapers badges japanese newspapers watch fobs mainichi shimbun badge osaka mainichi shimbun badge osaka mainichi shimbun watch fob 大阪毎日新聞社 大阪毎日新聞社章 毎日新聞社章
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