Workshop plaque from pre-1854 time period.
Workshop plaque from 1855-1867 time period.
Workshop plaque from 1867-1871 time period.
Workshop plaque from 1871-1890s time period.
In 1844, Louis George Halley took over Pierre-Felix’s jewellery firm in Paris, which was originally founded in 1790. The firm became the purveyor of the Emperor Napoleon III and the King of Portugal. Between 1844 to 1867, there were two physical locations, one at 143 Galerie de Valois Palais Royal/Halley and one at Palais Nationale. The mark was a lion’s head between LH. In 1860, Louis George was succeeded by Octave Lasne, who became the purveyor of the Shah of Persia, Napoleon III, and the Ottoman Emperor. During this time, the mark of the firm was a lion’s head between two letters OL.
From 1867 until 1902, Halley was located at 5 rue de Montpensier. In 1902, the firm changed hands again, and was now continued by A. Bacqueville Two years later, the firm was designated the purveyor of Gold Medal of Emperor of China. Bacqueville used its own mark "a ship between two letters AB".