Orders of St. Stanislaus made by Halley /Octave Lasne/, Paris

Workshop history https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-made-by-halley-octave-lasne-paris.28433/
Breast stars of St. Stanislaus order made by Halley https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-st-stanislaus-breast-stars-made-by-halley-paris.23522/

For many years the actual manufacturer of this distinct French-made variation of the order remained unknown.
It's time to change that.

1st class cross (the size of such crosses fall between the 1st and 2nd class size).

Gold, enamel.
Size 59×56 mm.
Weight 33.12 g.

Order of St. Stanislaus made  by Halley Octave Lasne, Paris.jpg
Order  of St. Stanislaus made by Halley Octave Lasne, Paris.jpg

Nice quality.

Order of St. Stanislaus  made by Halley  Octave Lasne, Paris.jpg

Order of St. Stanislaus made by Halley Octave Lasne, Paris.jpg

Usually manufacturer's mark is unreadable. Only French hallmark for gold "eagle's head" is recognizable.

Another such cross but this time in silver and with slightly more readable maker's mark.

Silver, gilding, enamel.
Size 61 х 56 mm.
Weight 44.06 g.

Order of St. Stanislaus made  by Halley.jpg

Order of St. Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg

Marked with two French boar's head silver hallmarks indicating .800 or greater fineness and maker's mark that ended with L.

Orders of St. Stanislaus made by  Halley.jpg

Fortunately I am familiar with this mark. This is "lion’s head between OL". Mark that was used by Octave Lasne (successor to Louis George Halley) between 1860s and 1902.

HALLEY & LASNE  mark.jpg
Before 1854.jpg

Workshop plaque from pre-1854 time period.


Workshop plaque from 1855-1867 time period.


Workshop plaque from 1867-1871 time period.


Workshop plaque from 1871-1890s time period.

In 1844, Louis George Halley took over Pierre-Felix’s jewellery firm in Paris, which was originally founded in 1790. The firm became the purveyor of the Emperor Napoleon III and the King of Portugal. Between 1844 to 1867, there were two physical locations, one at 143 Galerie de Valois Palais Royal/Halley and one at Palais Nationale. The mark was a lion’s head between LH. In 1860, Louis George was succeeded by Octave Lasne, who became the purveyor of the Shah of Persia, Napoleon III, and the Ottoman Emperor. During this time, the mark of the firm was a lion’s head between two letters OL.
Halley mark.jpg


From 1867 until 1902, Halley was located at 5 rue de Montpensier. In 1902, the firm changed hands again, and was now continued by A. Bacqueville. Two years later, the firm was designated the purveyor of Gold Medal of Emperor of China. The were again located in to places, ateliers at rue de Montpensier and 346 rue St. Honore until 1910. In the 1970s the were found at 6-8 Galerie Montpensier, with their mark of a ship between two letters AB.​

2nd class cross.

Silver, gilding, enamel.
Size 45.2 х 40.5 mm.
Weight 19 g.

Order of St. Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg

Order  of St. Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg


Order of  St. Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg

Order of St. Stanislaus  made by Halley.jpg

Order of St. Stanislaus made  by Halley.jpg
Another example of 2nd class cross with "innovatively" attached ring.

Order of St. Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg

Order  of St. Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg

Order of St. Stanislaus made  by Halley.jpg

Order of St.  Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg
Salty 1st class cross.

Silver, gilding, enamel.
Size 61 х 56 mm.
Weight 41.1 g.

Орден Святого Станислава производства Halley Octave Lasne.jpg
Орден Святого  Станислава производства Halley Octave Lasne.jpg

Орден Святого Станислава  производства Halley Octave Lasne.jpg
Орден Святого  Станислава  производства Halley Octave Lasne.jpg
1st class cross in gold.

Gold, enamel.
Size 56 mm.
Weight 26.48 g.

Marked with a French gold hallmark "eagle's head". Note a new variant of the ring design around central medallion.

1st class Order of St. Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg

1st class Order of St. Stanislaus made by  Halley.jpg


1st class Order  of St. Stanislaus made by Halley.jpg

Same cross under a different light. Photo courtesy of the owner.

1st class cross.jpg
3rd class cross of St. Stanislaus order made by Halley in gold.

Орден  Святого Станислава 3-й степени фирмы Halley.jpg

Орден Святого Станислава 3-й степени фирмы Halley.jpg

Marked with French gold hallmark "eagle's head" indicating a minimum fineness of 750th gold.

Mark eagles head.jpg
1st class cross in gilded silver. Enamel was partly restored. Original ring and ribbon loop were lost.

Silver, gilding, enamel.
Size 55 mm.

Орден Святого Станислава 1-й степени фирмы Halley.jpg

Орден Святого Станислава  1-й степени фирмы Halley.jpg
  • Tags
    french-made orders of st. stanislaus halley octave lasne paris octave lasne paris order of st. stanislaus order of st. stanislaus made by halley orders of st. stanislaus made in france награды императорской россии орден св.станислава французского изготовления орден святого станислава сделанный halley орден святого станислава сделанный во франции ордена императорской россии русские ордена иностранного производства
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