Imperial Japanese Army Shooting Badges and Watch Fobs

25th Infantry Regiment Large Shooting Tournament Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
25th Infantry Regiment Large  Shooting Tournament Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


明治三十七年戦役 - 1904 War Campaign

歩兵第二十五聯隊 - 25th Infantry Regiment

出征記念大射撃會 - Large Shooting Tournament Commemorative

優等章 - Badge of Excellence
2nd  Guards Regiment,  6th Company Watch Fob.jpg
2nd Guards Regiment,  6th Company Watch Fob.jpg


射擊術優勝 - Marksmanship Championship

昭和十年八月三十日 - August 30, 1935

恩賜記念 - Commemorative Gift from the Emperor

近衛步兵第二聯隊第六中隊 - 2nd Guards Regiment, 6th Company

Marked with 純銀 - pure silver.

Original case.

射擊術優勝 - Marksmanship Championship

恩賜記念 - Commemorative Gift from the Emperor

近衛步兵第二聯隊第六中隊 - 2nd Guards Regiment, 6th Company

2nd Guards Regiment,  6th Company Watch  Fob.jpg

Watch fobs were made by Naigai workshop.

2nd Guards Regiment,  6th Company  Watch Fob.jpg
1929 machine-gun and small-caliber artillery shooting award watch fob.

Size Size 40.5 x 26.5 mm.


Imperial  Japanese Army Shooting Badge.jpg
49th infantry regiment machine-gun shooting award watch fobs.

1st variation "686".

See also

Manchuria 686 Unit Shooting Watch Fob.jpg

Manchuria 686 Unit Shooting  Watch Fob.jpg


優勝 - Champion; Winner


- Award

満州第六八六部隊 - Manchuria 686 Unit /= 歩兵第四十九連隊 - 49th Infantry Regiment/

2nd variation "49".

Different design of obverse.

歩兵第四十九聯隊 記念メダル.jpg



優勝 - Champion; Winner


- Award

歩兵第四拾九聯隊 - 49th Infantry Regiment
78th Infantry Regiment Watch Fob.jpg
78th Infantry Regiment  Watch Fob.jpg


- Award


步兵第七十八聯隊 - 78th Infantry Regiment
26th Infantry Regiment Shooting Award Watch Fob.jpg
26th Infantry Regiment  Shooting Award Watch Fob.jpg


- Shooting


- Award


步二六 - 26th Infantry Regiment

第一大隊 - 1st Battalion

昭和十年 - 1935
Infantry Guards Regiment  Shooting Watch Fob.jpg
Infantry Guards Regiment Shooting Watch Fob.jpg


Guards unit emblem

優勝 - Champion; Winner


東部第二部隊 - Tōbu /Eastern/ 2nd Corps (=1st Infantry Guards Regiment)

- Award

木村隊 - Kimura Unit
歩兵第九聯隊 記念メダル.jpg
歩兵第九聯隊 記念メダル..jpg


優勝記念 - Victory Commemorative

明治丗九年 - 1906


歩兵 - Infantry

第九聯隊 - 9th Regiment

第五中隊 - 5th Company
歩兵第七十四聯隊 第二中隊長優秀徽章.jpg
歩兵第七十四聯隊 第二中隊長優秀メダル.jpg


- Excellent


歩兵第七十四聯隊 - 74th Infantry Regiment

第二中隊長 - 2nd Company Commander
Size 41.5 x 30.5 mm.
Weight 22.7 g.

三木部隊 2600紀元二千六百年記念賞牌..jpg


- Award

2600 - 1940


三木部隊 - Miki Unit
Yamagata 32nd Infantry Regiment Watch Fob.jpg


射撃賞 - Shooting Award

山形步兵第三十二聯隊 - Yamagata 32nd Infantry Regiment

32nd Regiment fought in the Russo-Japanese War, Russian Civil War, Second Sino-Japanese War and the Second World War. In 1939 regiment was attached to the 24th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army. The division was formed in Manchukuo in 1939 and was part of the Manchukuo territorial defense force under the command of the 5th Army group of the Kwantung Army. In 1944 companies from each of the division's regiments were sent to Woleai island in the Pacific. Most of the troops defending the Woleai island died from either starvation, disease or Allied air raids. The remainder of the 24th was sent to Okinawa to defend against an Allied invasion where the division was nearly annihilated during the Battle of Okinawa in June 1945. Only the 1st and 3rd battalions of the 32nd Yamagata Infantry Regiment continued to fight the US occupation until they surrendered in late August that same year.​
Size 20 mm.

Honorary Shooting Competition Victory Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


近衛師團 - Imperial Guard

名譽射撃優勝記念 - Honorary Shooting Competition Victory Commemorative

明治四十四年 - 1911


近衛歩兵第三聯隊 - 4th Imperial Guard Infantry Regiment
Tokyo Garrison Large Shooting Competition Watch Fob.jpg
Tokyo Garrison Large Shooting Competition Watch  Fob.jpg


優等賞 - Excellence Award


第弐回 - 2nd

東京衞戌 - Tokyo Garrison

大射撃會 - Large Shooting Competition
Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Special Shooting Competition Watch Fob.jpg
Special Shooting Competition  Watch Fob.jpg


優勝 - Winner


25 8.5 = August 25, 1930

大隊 - Battalion

特別射撃 - Special Shooting [Competition]

大隊兵 - Battalion Soldier

川野少佐 - Major Kawano
Watch fob designed after the Golden Kite order.

1st  Imperial Guards Infantry  Regiment Shooting Award Watch Fob.jpg
1st  Imperial Guards Infantry  Regiment Shooting Award Watch  Fob.jpg


- Award

近歩一 - 1st [Imperial] Guards Infantry [Regiment]

第十中隊 - 10th Company


1st  Imperial Guards Infantry  Regiment  Shooting Award Watch Fob.jpg

1st  Imperial  Guards Infantry  Regiment Shooting Award Watch Fob.jpg
Shooting Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
Shooting  Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


記念 - Commemorative
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    imperial japan army badge imperial japan army shooting badge imperial japan army shooting watch fob japanese army regiment badge japanese badge japanese infantry regiment shooting award japanese infantry regiment shooting badge japanese regimental shooting badge japanese watch fob 名譽記念 歩兵連隊特別射撃章 特別射撃章 近衛師團名譽射撃優勝記念章 近衛歩兵連隊射撃章 近衛歩兵連隊特別射撃章 近衛歩兵連隊章 連隊特別射撃章
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