japanese badge

  1. Mitsui Mining Corporation Yamadagawa Mining Works Specially Prized Employee Badge/三井鑛山田川鑛業所持選從業員章

    Obverse 特選 - Special prize/High Honor Emblem of Mitsui Mining reverse 三井鑛山田川鑛業所 - Mitsui Mining [Corporation] Yamadagawa Mining Works 持選從業員 - Specially Prized/Highly Honored Employee Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  2. All Japan Security Guard /A.J.S.G./ Badge

    Early post-war badge.
  3. Youth Magazine Friend Award Badge/青訓誌友賞章

    Obverse 青訓誌友賞 - Youth Magazine Friend Award
  4. 1938 National Defense Relay Race Tournament Participation Badge/1938年町村青年代志國防継走大會参加章

    Size 33.78 х 25.45 mm. Reverse 西濃一市五郡 - Five Districts of Seinoichi City 町村青年代志 - Towns and villages Youth Aspirations 國防継走大會 - National Defense Relay Race Tournament 参加章 - Participation Badge 二五九八年 - 1938 主催 - Organized by 岐阜縣 - Gifu prefecture 大阪毎日新聞社 - Osaka-Mainichi-Shimbun
  5. Great Japan Salt Industry Association Badge/大日本塩業協会章

    Reverse 大日本塩業協會 - Great Japan /Dai Nippon/ Salt Industry Association
  6. 1941 Aomori Prefecture Keibō Yoshi-kai Prince Kaninnomiya Imperial Review Commemorative Badge/1941年閑院宮殿下御親閲記念青森縣警防義會章

    Obverse Keibodan emblem 御親閲記念 - Imperial Review Commemorative reverse 昭和十六年五月十八日 - May 18, 1941 閑院宮殿下 - His Imperial Highness Prince Kaninnomiya 御親閲記念 - Imperial Review Commemorative 青森縣警防義會 - Aomori Prefecture Keibō Yoshi-kai
  7. Flood Protection Merit Badge from Minister of Construction/建設大臣水防功労章

    Reverse 建設大臣 - Minister of Construction 水防功労章 - Flood Protection Merit Badge Marked "Sterling". Original case.
  8. Tsuishin Badge/追進章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 追進 - Tsuishin
  9. Panegyric to Constitution Monument Association Member's Badge/立憲頌徳之碑会員之章

    Obverse 立憲頌徳之碑 - Panegyric to Constitution Monument reverse 会員之章 -Association Member's Badge
  10. Minami Kudara Friends of the Military Association Badge/大阪市住吉区南百済軍友会章

    Once again Army War College graduation badge design was used https://asiamedals.info/forums/army-war-college-graduation-badges.640/ Obverse 軍友會 - Friends of the Military Association reverse 南百済軍友會 - Minami Kudara [Village] Friends of the Military Association 大阪市住吉區 - Sumiyoshi Ward...
  11. 1940 Niigata Prefecture Youth League Commemorative Award Badge/紀元二千六百年令旨奉戴二十周年新潟縣青年團紀念表彰章

    Obverse 青 for 青年團 - Youth League reverse 紀元二千六百年 - 1940 令旨奉戴二十周年 - 20th Anniversary of the President Appointment [lit. Emperor's command to choose (a nobleman) as the president of organization] 紀念表彰 - Commemorative Award 新潟縣青年團 - Niigata Prefecture Youth League
  12. Usa County Nanseikai Association Member´s Medal/宇佑郡南青會員章

    Obverse 章 - Medal/badge reverse engraved 宇佑郡 - Usa County https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/宇佐郡 南青會員 - Nanseikai Association Member Original ribbon.
  13. 1948 Tennoji Conductor Ward Accident-free Record Commemorative Watch Fob/1948年天王寺車掌区運轉無事故表彰記念章

    Obverse 天王 for 天王寺車掌区 - Tennoji Conductor Ward reverse 昭和二十三年二月二十日 - February 20, 1948 運轉無事故表彰記念 - No Accidents During Driving Commemorative 天王寺車掌区 - Tennoji Conductor Ward /organization to which the conductors of the Kinki Headquarters of West Japan Railway Company (JR West Japan)...
  14. 2600th Anniversary of the Japanese Empire All Japan Military Horse Race Commemorative Badges/紀元二千六百年奉祝全日本軍用保護馬継走大騎乗記念章

  15. Kazoku Kaikan (Peers' Club) Gold Watch Fobs/華族會会徽章

    Originally called the Kazoku Kaikan /華族会館/, or Peers' Club, and renamed in 1947 to Kasumi Kaikan /霞会館/ is the association of the former kazoku /hereditary peerage of the Empire of Japan/. The association used to have its headquarters in the Rokumeikan building. The association is a social...
  16. Greater Japan Imperial Rule Assistance Foodstuff Badge/大日本翼賛壮年團食章

    Obverse 食 - Food; Foodstuff; Foodstuffs
  17. Mie Prefecture Support Association Supporting Member's Badge/三重県協賛会賛助会員章

    Reverse 三重県協賛會 - Mie Prefecture Support Association Original case 三重県協賛會 - Mie Prefecture Support Association - 賛助會員章 - Supporting Member's Badge 東京 玉宝堂 謹製 - Tokyo Made by Gyokuhōdō https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-watch-fobs-made-by-gyokuhodo-workshop.27616/
  18. 30th Anniversary of Russo-Japanese War Veteran's Door Badge/大日木國防婦人會関西本部贈呈日露戦役三十周年記念従軍勇士勲功の家門札

    Aluminum, paint. Size 114 x 48 mm. 日露戦役 - Russo-Japanese War 従軍勇士勲功の家 - House of Military Valor and Merit/Distinguished Service 三十周年記念 - 30th Anniversary 大日木國防婦人會関西本部贈呈 - Presented by Kansai Headquarters of Greater Japan National Defense Women's Association
  19. Imperial Military Reservist Association Commendation Badge/帝國在郷軍人會表彰章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 表彰 - Commendation
  20. Hito Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Completion of Military Volunteer Training Badge/帝国在郷軍人會軍義請備習備了氷戸支部章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 氷戸支部 - Hito Branch 軍義請備習備了- Military Volunteer Training Completed