1906 Attacking Russia Commemorative Shooting Tournament Award Watch Fob/明治三十九年征露記念射擊大會優勝章

17th Infantry Regiment 1906 Attacking Russia Commemorative Shooting Tournament Award Watch Fob.jpg



優勝 - Victory; Champion

步兵第十七聯隊 - 17th Infantry Regiment


於鉄嶺縣 - In Tieling County /county in the northeast of Liaoning province, China/

第八師團聯隊 - 8th Division

征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia Commemorative

射擊大會 - Shooting Tournament

明治三十九年一月 - January 1906
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    1906 attacking russia commemorative watch fob 1906 shooting tournament award watch fob 1906年征露記念射擊大會優勝章 1906年征露記念章 russo-japanese war award badge russo-japanese war badge 征露記念章 明治三十九年一月步兵第十七聯隊征露記念章 明治三十九年征露記念射擊大會優勝章 步兵第17聯隊記念章
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