China Incident Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/支那事変記念章

Another field made watch fob made from Yuan Shikai silver dollar.

Size 39 mm.
Weight 24.7 g.

field made watch fob made from Yuan Shikai silver dollar.jpg


出征記念 - Dispatch Commemorative

騎兵第一旅團 - 1st Cavalry Brigade

装甲自動車隊 - Armored Car Corps/Team

field made  watch fob made from Yuan Shikai silver dollar.jpg
58th Company China Incident Watch Fob.jpg

58th Company China Incident  Watch Fob.jpg


支那事変出征記念 - China Incident Dispatch Commemorative

紀元二五九九年 - 1939

太原攻略戦 - Battle of Taiyuan /1937/
河北?定戦 - Battle of Hebei
徐州會戦 - Battle of Xuzhou /1938/
武漢攻略戦 - Battle of Wuhan /1938/
襄東會戦 - Battle of Suixian–Zaoyang /1939/

第五八中隊 - 58th Company
Belt buckle.

Size 59.3 x 41.2mm.
Weight 51.6 g.

Dispatch to Northern China Belt Buckle.jpg

Note service mark of Japan Post .

Dispatch to Northern  China Belt Buckle.jpg

Dispatch to  Northern China Belt Buckle.jpg


從軍紀念 - Enlistment Commemorative


北支那派遣 - Dispatch to North China

甲第一八〇〇部隊 - A1800 Unit

野戦郵便隊 - Field Post/Military Post Corps

皇紀二六〇三年 - 1943
Ushijima Corps Watch Fob.jpg
Ushijima  Corps Watch Fob.jpg


Guards emblem

翁賓戦記念 - Okina and Hinyou Battles Commemorative / ;賓陽作戦/


牛島部隊 - Ushijima Corps

小口隊 - Koguchi Unit
Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner.

China Incident Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
China Incident  Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


トキ - Toki (Japanese crested ibis)


支那事变- China Incident

記念 - Commemorative
Watch fob with a typical for Chinese-made badges chain with a T-bar.

South China Campaign Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
South China  Campaign Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
South China Campaign Commemorative Watch  Fob.jpg


盡忠 - To Be Faithful Unto Death

南支従軍記念 - South China Campaign Commemorative


南支派遣軍 - South China Expeditionary Army

香第八一一四部隊 - Ka No.8114 / = 独立歩兵第六十七大隊 - 67th Independent Infantry Battalion/

松本隊 - Matsumoto Squad
Already known watch fob but this time together with original case.

支那事変出征記念 勲章.jpg
支那事変出征記念 勲章メダル.jpg


支那事変出征記念 - China Incident Dispatch Commemorative


昭和拾三年 - 1938

山本隊 - Yamamoto Unit

Marked 純銀 - pure silver and maker's mark 天賞堂 - Tenshodo.


Original case with label of Tenshodo workshop.

支那事変出征記念 - China Incident Dispatch Commemorative

支那事変出征記念 メダル.jpg
Northern Manchuria Shandong Norita Unit Watch Fob.jpg
Northern Manchuria Shandong Norita Unit Watch  Fob.jpg


磨剱必勝 - Sentehisshō = Victory goes to one who makes the first move; being quick to take action leads to victory


北満小石頭 - Northern Manchuria, Shandong

乗田部隊 - Norita Unit

2597 - 1937
Garrison Service Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
Garrison Service Commemorative Watch  Fob.jpg


駐屯記念 - Garrison Service Commemorative


天津縣 - Tianjin County /On July 30, 1937, during the Second Sino-Japanese War, Tianjin fell to Japan, but was not entirely occupied, as the Japanese generally respected foreign concessions until 1941, when American and British concessions were occupied

鹹水沽贈敬會務商 - Respectful Gift from the Xianshuigu [Town] Business

Respectful Gift from the Xianshuigu [Town] Business.jpg
China Incident Dispatch Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
China Incident Dispatch  Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


Unit emblem with ケ- K inside.


昭和十二年 - 1937
昭和十三年 - 1938
昭和十四年 - 1939

日支事变記念 - China Incident Dispatch Commemorative

木崎部隊 - Kizaki Unit
田中部隊 -Tanaka Unit
水野部隊- Mizuno Unit

Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
Central China Dispatch Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
Central China Dispatch  Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


中支派遣記念 - Central China Dispatch Commemorative


皇紀二千六百年 - 1940

谷部隊原田隊 - Tani Unit /Butai/ Harada Corps /Tai/
Height 35 mm.
Weight 11.4 g.

那事変従軍記念 昭和十二年七月七日 .jpg
China Incident Service Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


支那事變従軍記念 - China Incident Service Commemorative

+ two dates written in different systems.

皇紀二千五百九拾七年 - Imperial year 2597 = 1937

昭和拾二年七月七日 - Showa era 12th year 7th month 7th day = July 7, 1937

Original case.

支那事變従軍記念 - China Incident Service Commemorative

China  Incident Service Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg
Size 35 x 23 mm.
Weight 10.4 g.



出征 - Dispatch


支那事変- China Incident

輜重兵第十四連隊 - 14th Transport Regiment


金張 - Gilded

Original case.

China Incident Commemorative  Watch Fob.jpg

China Incident  Commemorative  Watch Fob.jpg
Additional examples.

14th  transport regiment China Incident Commemorative  Watch Fob.jpg
14th  transport  regiment China Incident Commemorative  Watch Fob.jpg

Watch fob that completely lost its gilding and silvering.

14th transport regiment China Incident Commemorative  Watch Fob.jpg
14th transport  regiment China Incident Commemorative  Watch Fob.jpg
Size 35 mm.

北支出征 歩兵 第百十七連隊第一大隊記章.jpg

北支出征 歩兵第百十七連隊第一大隊記章.jpg


北支出征 - North China Dispatch

歩兵 - Infantry

第百十七聯隊 - 117th Regiment

第一大隊 - 1st Battalion
1937/38 version.



盡忠報國 - To serve one's country loyally/be devoted to one's country/be loyal and patriotic


支那事變記念 - China Incident Commemorative

昭和十二三年 - 1937/1938

盡忠報國 支那事変記念章.jpg
1939 version.

1939 China Incident CommemorativeWatch Fob.jpg


盡忠報國 - To serve one's country loyally/be devoted to one's country/be loyal and patriotic


支那事變記念 - China Incident Commemorative

昭和十四年 - April, 1937 [original years "二三" - 1938/39 were polished and "" - 1939 was engraved]

1939 China Incident CommemorativeWatch  Fob.jpg
  • Tags
    china incident china incident badge china incident commemorative badge commemorative badge commemorative watch fobs imperial japan army badge imperial japan army badges and watch fobs japan military badge japanese badge taishodo taishodo workshop 上海派遣軍 勇戦将兵會同紀念章 南支出征記念章 大勝堂 山岡部隊 支那事変記念章 支那事變出征記念章 有田部隊 米岡部隊支那事變出征記念章
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