1943 Second National Military Conference Commemorative Medal/中華民國三十二年二月第二次全國軍事會議參戰記念章 

1943 Second National Military Conference Medal.jpg
中華民國三十二年二月第二次全國軍事會議章 .jpg

Medal bar

參戰記念 - Participation in the War Commemorative


中華民國三十二年 - 32 Years of the Republic of China = 1943

二月第二次全國 - February 2nd National

軍事會議 - Military Conference

興復中華 - Asia Development /Asia Rising; Asia Revival/

保衛東亞 - Defending East Asia
Second National Military Conference opened on February 15, 1943 to discuss the issue of assisting the Japanese army in the Greater East Asia War. Commanders of all levels (fronts, group armies, divisional commanders, brigade commanders, etc.) of Reorganized National Government of the Republic of China army were attended the conference. Conference lasted for two days. Medal was issued to all participants of the conference (including Japanese advisors who participated in the conference).​

Obviously the medal was created in the image and likeness of the China Incident War Medal.

Both medals.jpg

China Incident War Medal vs. 2nd Conference medal.jpg
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    1943 second national military conference medal 2nd national military conference medal japanese puppet state award japanese puppet state medal reorganized national government medal reorganized national government of china wang jingwei 1943 medal wang jingwei government medal wang jingwei regime medal 中華民國三十二年二月第二次全國軍事會議參戰記念章 保衛東亞 参战纪念章 徽章介绍第二次全国军事会议纪念章 興復中華
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