russo-japanese war

  1. Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs from Miyagawa Medal Department

    Interesting advertising from 1905. 宮川塲徽章部 - Miyagawa Medal Department 戦争記念在品雛形 - War Commemorative In-Stock Items
  2. Port Arthur Fall Commemorative Badge/明治三十七年旅順没落記念章

    Reverse 旅順没落記念 - Lushun /Port Arthur/ Fall Commemorative Badge 明治三十七年 - 1904 Details.
  3. Russia Conquest Commemorative Watch Fob/征露記念章

    征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia Commemorative Detail.
  4. 1904 Attacking Russia Commemorative Watch Fob with Observation Balloon/明治三十七年征露記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Size 27.4 mm. Weight 8.8 g. Reverse 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia Commemorative 明治三十七年 - 1904
  5. 1904 Attacking Russia Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七年征露記念章

    Obverse 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquering] Russia Commemorative 明治三十七年 - 37th year of the Meiji era = 1904
  6. Russo-Japanese War Victory Commemorative Watch Fobs with marks "Star and crescent" and "N in rhombus"/明治丗七年戰捷記念章

    Two designs of such watch fobs are known today. 1st design. See also Obverse 戰捷記念 - Victory Commemorative 明治丗七年 - 1904
  7. 7th class Golden Kite and 7th class Rising Sun orders awarded in 1904 for the Battle of the Yellow Sea

    Reference set of awards issued to the participant of the Russo-Japanese War. Classical early "triangle wing" variation of kite. Issued on September 14, 1904 to 海軍二等機關兵曹 - Navy Machinist's Mate 2nd Class 佐藤助作 - Satō Sukesaku (or Sukedzukuri). Most likely Kite was issued for the Battle of...
  8. Russo-Japanese War through the Puck Magazine Cartoons

    History of the magazine Illustration shows a drunken Russian man holding a jug of vodka and wildly swinging a bloodly sword at a wasp representing Japan. John Bull and Uncle Sam sit in the background. Illustration shows a Japanese soldier...
  9. 5th class Golden Kite Order to the 3rd class Army Paymaster for the Russo-Japanese War

    Classical type that was awarded during R-J. Case.