russo-japanese war

  1. Kita District Battle of Tsushima Commemorative Association Award Badge/喜多郡日本海々戦記念會記念運動會賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 日本海々戦 - Naval Battle of Sea of Japan (i.e. Battle of Tsushima) 喜多郡海戦記念會 - Kita District (Ehime Prefecture) Naval Battle Commemorative Association 記念運動會 - Commemorative Sport Meeting
  2. 1935 Battle of Tsushima Commemorative Society Watch Fob/二五九五日大海海戦記念會章

    Obverse 敵国降伏 - Capitulation of Enemy Country reverse 日大海海戦記念會 - Battle of Tsushima Commemorative Society [皇国の興] 在此一戦 - The Empire's Fate Depends on the Result of this Battle 二五九五 - 1935
  3. Saitama Prefecture Shōbu-kai Victory in 1904-05 War Commemorative Honorary Badge/埼玉県尚武會明治三十七八年戦捷記念名誉章

    Obverse 忠勇 - Loyalty and Bravery reverse 埼玉県尚武會 Saitama Prefecture Shōbu-kai [Warlike/Military Spirit Association] 明治三十七八年 - 1904-05 戦捷記念名譽章 - Victory in War Commemorative Honorary Badge Superimposed enameled flower often get lost.
  4. 30th Anniversary of Russo-Japanese War Aomori Prefecture Commemorative Badge/青森縣従軍者大會日露戦役卅周年記念章

    1st variation "Aomori prefecture veterans association badge". Size 27 mm. Obverse 皇國萬歳 - Long Live the Empire reverse 日露戦役卅周年記念 - 30th Anniversary of Russo-Japanese War Commemorative 従軍者大會 - Veterans [Soldiers Served in War] General Meeting 青森縣 - Aomori Prefecture Original case...
  5. Tokyo Army Triumphal Return Welcome Ceremony Badge/東京凱旋軍歡迎會章

    Badge height (without suspension) 26.2 mm. Width 24.2 mm. Weight (including hanger and ribbon) 10.8 g. Reverse 東京凱旋 - Tokyo Triumphal Return 軍歡迎會 - Army Welcome Ceremony /歡迎會 - reception; welcome meeting; welcome party/ Details.
  6. Tokyo Army Triumphal Return Welcome Ceremony Watch Fob/明治三十七八年戦役 東京凱旋軍歡迎會記念章

    Obverse 凱旋記念 - Triumphal Return Commemorative reverse 明治三十七八年 戦役 - 1904-1905 War 東京凱旋 - Tokyo Triumphal Return 軍歡迎會 - Army Welcome Ceremony
  7. Battle of Tsushima Great Victory Commemorative Watch Fob/日本海海戦大捷紀念章

    1st type. 日本海海戦 - Battle of Tsushima 大捷 - Great Victory 紀念 - Commemorative 明治三十八年六月四日 - June 4, 1905
  8. Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Pins/明治三十七八年日露戦役記念章

    Unmarked silver (pins in metal). Overall length about 54 mm.
  9. Triumphal Return Celebration Kuga District Shōbu-kai Badge/山口縣玖珂郡尚武會 玖珂郡町村尚武會支部 三十七八年戦役 凱旋祝賀記念章

    Obverse 祝凱旋 - Triumphal Return Celebration reverse 三十七八年戦役 - 1904-05 War 玖珂郡尚武會 - Kuga District Shōbu-kai [Warlike/Military Spirit Association] 同町村尚武會支部 - Towns and Villages Branches of Shōbu-kai Association Original case. 凱旋祝賀 - Triumphal Return Celebration 記念章 - Commemorative Badge...
  10. Tsushima Battle Commemorative Watch Fob/日露大海戦徽記念章

    Obverse 皇國ノ興廃此ノ一戦ニ在リ- "The Empire's Fate Depends on the Result of this Battle" (At the Battle of Tsushima on May 27, 1905, Admiral Tōgō raised a Z flag on his flagship Mikasa. By prearrangement, this flag flown alone meant, "The Empire's Fate Depends on the Result of this Battle".) Marked...
  11. "Z-Flag" 35th Anniversary of Tsushima Battle Commemorative Watch Fob/奉祝二千六百年大觀艦擧行日露大海戦三十五周年記念徽章

    30th Anniversary of Tsushima Battle "Z-Flag" Watch Fob Obverse Z flag that admiral Heiachiro Togo hoisted aboard his flagship Mikasa immediately before engaging Admiral Rozhestvensky's...
  12. "Z-Flag" 30th Anniversary of Tsushima Battle Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十年五月廿七日日露大海戦大捷三十周年記念徽章

    35th Anniversary of Tsushima Battle "Z-Flag" Watch Fob Obverse Z flag that admiral Heiachiro Togo hoisted aboard his flagship Mikasa immediately before engaging Admiral Rozhestvensky's...
  13. Human Bullets, General Nogi, and the Myth of Port Arthur

    Interesting article.
  14. 25th Anniversary of Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和五年日露戦役二十五周年記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Height 27.5 mm. Width 24.1 mm. Weight 7.6 g. Obverse 肉弾 /Nikudan/ Human Bullet After the Russo–Japanese war (1904–05), Tadayoshi Sakurai (1879–1965), an army lieutenant, wrote a war literature Nikudan (Human Bullets): the record of the battle of Port Arther...
  15. Nihonbashi Ward Triumphal Return Celebration Association/日本橋區凱旋祝損會章

    Obverse 祝凱旋 - Celebration of Triumphal Return reverse 日本橋區 - Nihonbashi Ward In the center Tokyo city emblem. 凱旋祝損會 - Triumphal Return Celebration Association
  16. Russia Conquest Commemorative Watch Fob/征露記念章

    1st type. Inside the Shell 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia
  17. 30th Anniversary of Tsushima Battle Commemorative Watch Fob with Admiral Togo/昭和十年日本海々戦三十周年記念徽章

    Table medal with similar design Obverse "The fate of the empire rests upon this one battle, let every man do his utmost." - Admiral Togo addressing the Japanese...
  18. Gold Russia Conquest Triumphal Return Commemorative Pendant with Compass/征露凱旋記念コンパス

    Reverse 凱旋 - Triumphal Return 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia Commemorative Marked K18 for gold of 750 fineness.
  19. Red Cross Russia Conquest Commemorative Pendant/日露戦争征露記念日本赤十字社章ペンダント
  20. Port Arthur Capturing Commemorative Badge/旅順占領記念章

    1st type 1st variation (loop fastening). 旅順占領記念 - Lushun /Port Arthur/ Capturing Commemorative Original paper wrapper. 旅順占領記念章 - Port Arthur Capturing Commemorative Badge 天賞堂謹製 - Made by Tenshodo (see also...