russo-japanese war commemorative badge

  1. Dalian Lushun Jinzhou War Victory Commemorative Badge/大州旅順金州戰捷記念章

    Photos courtesy of the owner. Height 31.6 mm. Width 28.8 mm. Weight 8.6 g. Almost certainly manufactured by the Tenshodo workshop see Obverse 戰捷記念 - War Victory Commemorative On globe 大州 - Dalian 旅順 -...
  2. American Badges Celebrating Japan's Victory in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05

    Celluloid badge manufactured by Allied Printing, Trades Council, Union Label, Newark. "Victory to the Japanese Army and Navy" in two languages. Size 32 mm.
  3. 1906 Russo-Japanese War Army Triumphant Return Military Parade Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七八年戦役陸軍凱旋観兵式記念章

    Interesting watch fob in the form of postal stamp. 1st variation "3 Sen". Size 25 x 19 mm. Obverse 明治三十七八年 戦役陸軍凱旋観兵式記念郵便切手 - 1904-1905 Army Triumphant Return Military Parade Commemorative Postal Stamp 参錢 - 3 Sen Reverse marked with "N inside the rhombus".
  4. Russo-Japanese War Triumphal Return Welcome Watch Fob/明治三十七八年戦役凱旋歡迎章

    Reverse 凱旋歡迎章 - Triumphal [return] Welcome Commemorative Badge
  5. 1904-1905 War Triumphant Return Celebration Komoro City Women's Association Commemorative Watch Fob/小諸婦人會祝凱旋明治三十七八年戦役記念章

    Reverse 明治三十七八年戦役記念 - 1904-1905 War Commemorative 祝凱旋 -Triumphant Return Celebration 小諸婦人會 - Komoro [city] Women's Association
  6. Kofu City Comrades in Arms Association 3rd Anniversary of Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badge/甲府市從軍戦友会日露戦役三抬周年記念章

    Obverse 日露戦役 - Russo-Japanese War reverse 三抬周年記念章 - 3rd Anniversary Commemorative Badge 甲府市從軍戦友会 - Kofu City Comrades in Arms Association
  7. 30th Anniversary Commemoration of Participation in the Russo-Japanese War Badge/帝国在郷軍人会露戰勝参加参拾週年紀念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Height 31.6 mm. Width 22.6 mm. Weight 10.2 g. Obverse 戰勝 - Victory reverse 帝国在郷軍人会 - Imperial Reservists Association 露戰勝参加 - Russo-Japanese War Participation 参拾週年紀念 - 30th Anniversary Commemoration 昭和十年 - 1935
  8. Attacking Russia Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七年征露記念章

    Obverse 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquering] Russia Commemorative Marked with S inside a star.
  9. Sakata City Volunteer Service Association 1904-05 War Commemorative Badge/明治卅七八年戰役縣形山酒田奉公義會記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Diameter 24.5 mm. Weight 7.9 g. Obverse 義勇奉公 - Loyalty and Courage 明治卅七八年戰役 - 1904-05 War reverse 縣形山 - Yamagata Province 酒田奉公義會 - Sakata [Town] Volunteer Service Association Original case. 奉公記念 - Service Corps Commemorative 明治三十七八年戰役紀念トツテ -...
  10. 43rd Infantry Regiment Russia Conquest Triumphal Return Commemorative Watch Fob/出征歩兵第四十三聯隊征露凱旋記念章

    Size 17×23mm. Obverse 征露- Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia 凱旋記念 - Triumphal Return Commemorative reverse 出征歩兵 - Expedition Infantry 第四十三聯隊 - 43rd Regiment
  11. 1904 Attacking Russia Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七年征露記念章

    Specimen with suspension Photo courtesy of the owner. Size 25.4 mm. Weight 7.2 g. Reverse 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia Commemorative 明治三十七年 - 1904
  12. Port Arthur Fall Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三八年一月一日旅順陥落記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Height 33.8 mm. Width 19.2 mm. Weight (including links) 8.1 g. Reverse engraved 明治三八年一月一日 - January 1, 1905 旅順陥落記念 - Port Arthur Fall Commemorative Railway sapper troops emblem.
  13. Imperial Military Reservist Association Russo-Japanese War 30th Anniversary Commemorative Badge/日露戰捷三十週年紀念事役紀念章

    Obverse 日露戰捷三十週年紀念事役 - Russo-Japanese War 30th Anniversary Commemorative reverse 二五九五 - 1935 帝国在 郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 一宮市第二分會 - 2nd Branch of Ichinomiya City
  14. Port Arthur Battlefield Pilgrimage Commemorative Badge/旅順戦跡巡拝記念章

    Obverse 旅順戦跡巡拝 - Lushun /Port Arthur/ Battlefield Pilgrimage Original paper pocket. 旅順戦跡巡拝記念 - Lushun Battlefield Pilgrimage Commemorative Badge
  15. 30th Anniversary of the Tsushima Battle Commemorative Watch Fob/日露海戦三拾周年紀念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Size 24.5 mm. Weight 8.1 g. Reverse 日露海戦三拾周年紀念 - Russo-Japanese Naval Battle [i.e. Battle of Tsushima] 30th Anniversary Commemorative 昭和十年五月卄七日 - May 27, 1935
  16. Russo-Japanese War Triumphal Return Commemorative Coin-Shaped Watch fob/日露戰役凱旋紀念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Size 27.9 mm. Weight 8.5 g. 日露戰役 - Russo-Japanese War 凱旋紀念 - Triumphal Return Commemorative Original case. 凱旋紀念 - Triumphal Return Commemorative
  17. 33rd Reserve Infantry Regiment Russia Conquest Commemorative Watch Fob/後歩三三征露記念章

    Reverse 征露記念 - Russia Conquest Commemorative 後歩三三 - 33rd Reserve Infantry Regiment 止三- 3rd Batallion (?)
  18. Yokosuka Navy Personnel Department 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badge/横須賀海軍入事部日露戦役三十周年記念章

    Reverse 日露戦役三十周年記念 - 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative 神奈川県 - Kanagawa Prefecture 横浜市 - Yokohama City 横須賀海軍入事部 - Yokosuka Navy Personnel Department 甲府聯隊区司令部 - Kofu Regimental District Headquarters 昭和十年 - 1935 Case (most likely it is not original to the badge). 記念 -...
  19. Russo-Japanese War Triumphal Return Commemorative Badge/日露戦役記念章

    Obverse 戦役記念 - Triumphal Return Commemorative reverse 日露 - Russo-Japanese War 明治卅七年二月宣戦 - February 1904 Declaration of War 明治卅八年十月克復 - October 1905 Victory [overcoming, subjugation] Case.
  20. Kita District Battle of Tsushima Commemorative Association Award Badge/喜多郡日本海々戦記念會記念運動會賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 日本海々戦 - Naval Battle of Sea of Japan (i.e. Battle of Tsushima) 喜多郡海戦記念會 - Kita District (Ehime Prefecture) Naval Battle Commemorative Association 記念運動會 - Commemorative Sport Meeting