order of the golden kite

  1. 4th class Golden Kite order awarded to the Lieutenant-commander in 1940

    Full set. Original case. Miniature rosette. Document issued on April 29, 1940. Document No. 266 063. Thanks to original payment document (for 4000 yens) we know that cavalier hold rank of Lieutenant-commander /海軍少佐/.
  2. 4th Class Golden Kite Order awarded on November 5, 1944

    Rare actually issued late war 4th class order of Golden Kite with original document. Issued on November 5, 1944. Document No. 473 107.
  3. 2nd class Golden Kite orders from 1938-1942 time period/1938年〜1942年功二級金鵄勲章

    Between 1938 and 1942 (inclusively) 146 sets of 2nd class Golden Kite order were manufactured by Mint. Exact number of set that were issued with "silver kanjis" cases of pre-1942 type is not known.
  4. Statistical description of the Order of the Golden Kite

    Date/Number of the document 12.10.1895 - 216 18.10.1895 - 334/363 31.10.1895 - 748/808 11.11.1895 - 982 18.11.1895 - 1 160/1 270 28.11.1895 - 1 458/1 459 14.12.1895 - 1 667 25.05.1896 - 1 971/1 989 30.06.1896 - 2 168 01.10.1901 - 2 296 26.05.1904 - 2 554/2 593 10.08.1904 - 2 896 15.08.1904 - 7...
  5. Burned and Destroyed Orders of the Golden Kite

    Related threads https://asiamedals.info/threads/burned-and-destroyed-orders-of-the-rising-sun.14872/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/burned-and-destroyed-orders-of-the-paulownia-flowers.19460/ https://asiamedals.info/threads/burned-and-destroyed-orders-of-the-auspicious-clouds.22440/
  6. 1st Class Golden Kite orders from the Showa epoch/昭和時代功一級金鵄勲章

    Badge. Breast star.