орден святого станислава

  1. Order of Saint Stanislaus breast star "with Diamonds"

    Eccentric breast star "with diamonds". Most likely this is a modern "project" that was "build" by an enterprising fellow around original Russian-made central medallion. However, the possibility that this is a privately-comissioned piece made by unknown European workshop for an unknown cavalier...
  2. 2nd class Orders of St.Stanislaus made by Albert Keibel /AK/

    Gold, enamel. Size 47 mm. Marked with "double-headed imperial eagle" and maker's mark "AK" for Albert Keibel on reverse, ring marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56+anchors" from 1882-1898 time period.
  3. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by St.Petersburg workshop A.R. /А.Р./

    Orders of Saint Vladimir made by A.R. https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-vladimir-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-a-r-a-r.26676/ Orders of St. Anna with Diamonds made by A.R. https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-anna-with-diamonds-made-by-st-petersburg-workshop-a-r-a-r.28102/...
  4. Order of Saint Stanislaus Grand Cross from the collection of Museum of the Legion of Honor

    Gold, silver, diamonds, enamel. Size 55x 49 mm. Weight 40 g. Suspension ring could be a later addition. Breast star size 104 mm. Breast star weight 20 g.
  5. Commander's breast stars of the Order of Saint Stanislaus from 1829-1831 time period

    Unique breast star from the collection of Moscow Kremlin Museums. Gold and silver embroidery, gold, enamel. Size 82 mm. Under a different light.
  6. Officially issued "Kapitul" embroidered breast stars of Saint Stanislaus order from 1831-1855 time period

    1st variant "Small Letters". See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/officially-issued-kapitul-embroidered-breast-stars-of-white-eagle-order-from-pre-1854-time-period.27459/ ...
  7. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Chobillion, Paris

    For many years crosses of this type were (and still are) wrongly attributed to Boullanger, Paris. The actual manufacturer of these crosses was Chobillion https://asiamedals.info/threads/imperial-russian-orders-and-medals-made-by-chobillion-paris.24572 Orders of Saint Stanislaus with Imperial...
  8. Privately Commissioned Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by an Unidentified Russian workshops

    Privately commissioned orders of Saint Stanislaus with swords https://asiamedals.info/threads/privately-commissioned-orders-of-saint-stanislaus-with-swords-made-by-unidentified-russian-workshops.27690/ 1st class cross from 1899-1904 time period. Gold, silver, enamel. Size 59.8×57.4 mm. Weight...
  9. Database of Fake Orders of Saint Stanislaus

    Fake Orders of Saint Stanislaus with Imperial Crown. https://asiamedals.info/threads/fake-orders-of-saint-stanislaus-with-imperial-crown.26725/ Silver, gilding, enamel. Size 92 х 92 mm. Weight 88.3 g. Reverse with fake marks.
  10. 3rd class Orders of St.Stanislaus made by Julius Keibel /IK/

    Gold, enamel. Size 41.4 x 38 mm. Weight 10.20 g. Marked with gold hallmark "56", St. Petersburg assay office year mark "1870" , "double-headed eagle" and "IK" for Julius Keibel. Marks.
  11. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by the Second Artistic Artel /Вторая художественная артель/ marked "2XА"

    About workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-george-made-by-the-second-artistic-artel-vtoraja-xudozhestvennaja-artel-marked-2xa-or-esh.26549/ 3rd class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 43.3 x 40.6 mm. Weight 10.89 g. Marked with St.Petersburg assay office "shovel" gold hallmark...
  12. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Frederick Adolf Golshtenius workshop /F•H/

    Orders of Saint Alexander Nevsky made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-saint-alexander-nevsky-breast-star-made-by-frederick-adolf-golshtenius-workshop-foh.25627/ Orders of Saint George made by Frederick Golshtenius workshop...
  13. 2nd class Order of Saint Stanislaus of Peter "Don Pedro" Christophersen

    Peter "Don Pedro" Christophersen (May 28, 1845 – August 19, 1930) was a Norwegian businessman, landowner, and diplomat in Argentina. From 1865 to 1871 he was a shipbroker in Cádiz. Christophersen went to Argentina in 1871, where he established himself as a shipbroker and landowner. Her served as...
  14. 3rd class Orders of St.Stanislaus made by Kammerer & Keibel workshop /KK/

    3rd class cross. Gold, enamel, Size 37.9 mm. Weight 12.28 g. Marked under the enamel with "Double-headed eagle" and "KK". Three eagles marked with "the coat of arms of St. Petersburg" on reverse.
  15. Orders of St. Stanislaus made by Kretly, Paris

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/french-postcards-with-russian-imperial-orders-made-by-kretly-paris.28541 1st variation. Diamond-cut breast star. Silver, gold, enamel. Size 84.5x83 mm. Weight 58.32 g. Central medallion. Plate “No. 46 / KRETLY / PALAIS-ROYAL / PARIS”.
  16. 1st class Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Kammerer & Keibel workshop /KK/

    1st class cross. Gold, enamel, Size 63 × 58 mm. Weight 34.31 g. Marked St. Petersburg assay office year mark "1846" and "Imperial Eagle" (symbol of official supplier of Russian Imperial Kapitul).
  17. Orders of St. Stanislaus made by August Wendt /AW/ workshop

    2nd class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 53.4 mm. Weight 18.11 g. Marked with a maker's mark "A.W" for August Wendt /Август Вендт; золотого и серебряного дела мастер Вендт Август, 1864–1874: З. и С. 1874: Вознесенский пр., 22./, gold hallmark "56" and St. Petersburg assay office year mark...
  18. 1st class Order of Saint Stanislaus marked "AK" awarded in 1896 to the Rear-Admiral Charles Fournier

    Late AK-made 1st class set https://asiamedals.info/threads/1st-class-order-of-saint-stanislaus-awarded-in-1906-to-senator-ernest-noel.26227/ Kretly-made 3rd class Royal Order of Cambodia https://asiamedals.info/threads/royal-orders-of-cambodia-made-by-kretly-paris.28432/#post-365703 Kretly-made...
  19. Orders of St. Stanislaus made by PS /ПС/ workshop

    See also orders of St. George made by PS /ПС/ workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-george-made-by-ps-ps-workshop.26859/ Orders of St. Anna made by PS /ПС/ workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-saint-anna-made-by-ps-ps-workshop.27323/ Orders of St. Vladimir made by...
  20. Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by Nichols&Plinke /NP/ workshop

    3rd class cross. Gold, enamel. Size 42.2 mm. Weight 13.41 g. Marked with St.Petersburg assay office mark for gold "56" and maker's mark "NP" for Nichols&Plinke.