Excerpt from the "Manifesto of Emperor Nicholas I of September 2, 1829 on the Order of St. Stanislaus/Манифест Императора Николая I от 2 сентября 1829 года об Ордене Св. Станислава".
"13. Cavaliers appointed to use commanderies of the first and second class will be called Cavaliers Commanders*; the third and fourth class cavaliers will have the title of Cavalier Pensioners. As a distinctive sign, they will wear a crown with the order badge, according to the attached model No. 3.
13. Кавалеры, назначенные пользоваться командорствами первой и второй степеней, будуть именоваться кавалерами командорами; третьей и четвертой степеней будуть имѣть, званіе кавалеровъ пенсіонеровъ. Какъ отличительный знакъ, они будуть носить при орденскомъ знакѣ корону, согласно приложенной модели № 3."
* In the Middle Ages, a commandery /commandry/ was the smallest administrative division of the European landed properties of a military order. It was also the name of the house where the knights of the commandery lived. The word is also applied to the emoluments granted to a commander. They were the equivalent for those orders to a monastic grange. The knight in charge of a commandery was a commander.