Officially issued "Kapitul" embroidered breast stars of Saint Stanislaus order from 1831-1855 time period

1st variant "Small Letters".

See also ;

Silver thread, tinsel, gimp, leather, sewing, weaving, gluing.
Size 82 x 81 mm.

Officially issued Kapitul embroidered breast star of Saint Stanislaus order.jpg

Officially issued  Kapitul embroidered breast star of Saint Stanislaus order.jpg

Same breast star under a different light.

Officially issued Kapitul embroidered breast  star of Saint Stanislaus order.jpg
Silver thread, tinsel, gimp, leather, paper, sewing, weaving, gluing.
Size 82 mm.

Kapitul embroidered breast  star of Saint Stanislaus order.jpg
Embroidered breast star of Saint Stanislaus order from the collection of Hermitage.

Silver thread, tinsel, gimp, leather, paper, sewing, weaving, gluing.
Size 85 x 83 mm.

Embroidered breast star of Saint Stanislaus from the collection of Hermitage.jpg
Silver, gilding, silk, papier-mâché, fabric, paper, leather, varnish.
Size 82 x 82 mm.

Звезда ордена  Святого Станислава шитая.jpg

Звезда ордена Святого Станислава шитая.jpg

Звезда ордена Святого Станислава  шитая.jpg

Same breast star under a different light.

Embroidered breast star of Saint Stanislaus order.jpg
2nd variant "Large Letters".

Breast star of different work ("large letters") from the collection of the Museum of the Legion of Honor.

Ранняя шитая звезда ордена Святого Станислава.jpg
Another example of "large letters" embroidered breast star.

Size 82 mm.

Звезда ордена Святого Станислава шитая.jpg

Звезда ордена  Святого Станислава шитая.jpg
Interesting breast star of slightly larger size from the collection of State Historical Museum in Moscow with different geometry of the star (central medallion is identical to medallions of 1st variant breast stars).

Size 90 mm.

Звезда ордена Св. Станислава (шитая)..jpg

Звезда ордена Св. Станислава (шитая).jpg

Medallions comparison (medallion of 1st variant breast star from the collection of Hermitage is on the right).

Звезда ордена Св. Станислава (шитая).jpg
Embroidered breast star of Saint Stanislaus from the collection of Hermitage.jpg

Breast star belong to Baron Lev Karlovich Bode (Ludwig Karl von Bode; Лев Карлович Боде; 1787 - 1859) he was a Chief Chamberlain, President of the Moscow Palace Office (1849) and participant in the Patriotic War of 1812. He was entrusted with supervision of the construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace. In 1849 when the construction of the palace was completed Bode received a gold medal with diamonds with the inscription “Thank you,” to be worn on St. Andrew’s ribbon and was awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

Another embroidered breast star of Saint Stanislaus order from the collection of Hermitage.

Silver thread, tinsel, gimp, leather, paper, sewing, weaving, gluing.
Size 85 mm.

Шитая звезда ордена Станислава Коллекция Эрмитажа.jpg
Silver thread, tinsel, gimp, leather, paper, sewing, weaving, gluing.
Size 80 mm.

Collection of Museum Association "Moscow Museum".

Шитая звезда ордена Святого Станислава.jpg
  • Tags
    breast star of st.stanislaus order 1831-1855 early breast star of saint stanislaus order embroidered breast star of russian order embroidered breast star of saint stanislaus order saint stanislaus order embroidered breast star звезда ордена святого станислава образца 1831 года награды императорской россии орден святого станислава ордена императорской россии ранняя шитая звезда ордена святого станислава шитая звезда ордена святого станислава шитые ранние звезды русских орденов
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