manchukuo watch fob

  1. Harbin Shimoda Unit Machinist Training Commemorative Watch Fob/満州國哈爾濱下田部隊機工手修業記念章

    Reverse 昭和十三年度 - 1938 昭和十四年度 - 1939 機工手修業記念 - Machinist Training Commemorative 満州國哈爾濱 - Harbin, Manchukuo 下田部隊 - Shimoda Unit
  2. Emperor Puyi Visit to Japan Welcoming Commemorative Badge/1935年満州国皇帝陛下御訪日駆逐艦薄雲御奉迎紀念章

    満州國皇帝陛下 - His Majesty the Emperor of Manchukuo 御訪日 - Visit to Japan 御奉迎紀念章 - Emperor Welcoming Commemorative Badge 薄雲 - [Destroyer] Usugumo (”Thin Clouds”) 昭和十年四月 - April 1935
  3. Hasegawa Unit Machine Gun Squad Jehol Province Subjugation Commemorative Watch Fob/長谷川部隊機関銃隊熱河討伐記念章 See also
  4. 1934 Emperor Kangde's Visit to Jilin Hsinking Railway Bureau Commemorative Watch Fob/新京鉄路局康徳皇帝吉林御巡持記念章

    Another badge with the same Manchukuo National Railway emblem Reverse 康徳皇帝吉林御巡持記念 - Emperor Kangde's Visit to Jilin Commemorative 康徳元年10月24日 - October 24, 1934 新京鉄路局 - Hsinking Railway Bureau
  5. Manchukuo National Railway Protection Watch Fob/滿洲國有鐵道愛護鐵路章

    Another badge with the same Manchukuo National Railway emblem Photos courtesy of the owner. Size 36.8 mm. Weight 18.1 g. Obverse 愛護鐵路 - Railway Protection reverse...
  6. 1936 Binxian Stationing Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十一年夏賓縣駐屯記念章

    Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 昭和十ー年夏 - 1936 賓縣駐屯記念 - Binxian Stationing Commemorative Bin County, or Binxian /simplified Chinese: 宾县; traditional Chinese: 賓縣; pinyin: Bīn Xiàn/, is a county of Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, it is under the administration of the...
  7. Stationing in Manchuria Suppression of Bandits Commemorative Watch Fob/討匪記念駐満記念章

    Obverse 駐満記念 - Stationing in Manchuria Commemorative reverse 駐満記念- Suppression of Bandits Commemorative Marked with 瑞 /Mizu/ - lucky; propitious
  8. 1934 Harbin Flood Disaster Prevention Committee Watch Fob/哈爾濱水災豫防委員會章

    See also 哈爾濱水災豫防委員會 - Harbin Flood Disaster Prevention Committee Watch Fob Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  9. Victorious Return from Manchuria Watch Fob/昭和八年一月福島縣學童生徒教職員一同滿洲凱旋章
  10. 1st Infantry Battalion Independent Guard Imperial Visit Commemorative Badge/獨立守備歩兵第一大隊御巡狩紀念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 御巡狩紀念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative [巡狩 (archaic, of an emperor) to embark an inspection tour of the realm, literally "touring and hunting"] reverse 獨立守備 - Independent Guard 歩兵第一大隊 - 1st Infantry Battalion 昭和九年十一月 - November 1934
  11. 58th Anniversary of 3rd Field Artillery Regiment Watch Fob/野砲三第五十八回創立記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 第五十八回創立記念 - 58th Anniversary of the Founding 野砲三 - 3rd Field Artillery Regiment was established in Meiji 11 [1878], so the badge dates to 1936. This aligns perfectly with the regiment's order of battle since it was garrisoned in Manchukuo from Showa 9...
  12. Manchurian Electrical Association Badges/社團法人満洲電氣協會章

    Obverse 表彰 - Commendation reverse 二十五年以上満洲電氣從業者 - Manchurian Electrician For More Than 25 Years 君 - Master 昭和九年 - 1934 社團法人満洲電氣協會 - Manchurian Electrical Association /Manshū Dengyōkai/ Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  13. Locomotive Engine Training Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十一年度機関術修業記念章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Judging by the kaoliang/sorghum branches around the army star and typical manchurian landscape this watch fob could be issued by the South Manchuria Railway. Reverse 昭和十一年度 - 1936 機関術修業記念 - Engine Skill Training Commemorative
  14. Award Watch Fobs of Manchurian News/滿洲新奨章

    Index thread devoted to the Manchukuo Newspapers Silvered version. Size 27.5 mm. Weight 10.7 g. Private collection. Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 滿洲新奨章 - Manchurian News Badge
  15. Manchuria Daily News Award Watch Fob/滿州日日新聞社賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 滿州日日新聞社 - Manchuria Daily News The Manshū Nichi-Nichi Shimbun/満洲日日新聞, lit. "Manchuria Daily News"/ was a Japanese-language newspaper owned by the South Manchuria Railway Company and printed from 3 November 1907 until Japan's defeat in the Second World War in...
  16. Manchurian Judo Black Belt Association Watch Fob/満州柔道有段者会章

    Base metal. Size 35 mm. Weight 21 g. Obverse 柔 for 柔道 - Judo reverse 満州柔道有段者会 - Manchurian Judo Black Belt Association Watch Fob
  17. 1940 North Manchuria Takeda Unit Stationing Commemorative Watch Fob/2600年武田部隊北満守備駐屯記念章

    Obverse 武田部隊 - Takeda Unit reverse 北満守備 - North Manchuria 駐屯記念 - Stationing Commemorative 2600 = 1940 穆稜河 - Muling River Muling/Muren is a river in Northeast China, a left tributary of the Ussuri. Its length is 577 kilometres, and its basin area is approximately 18,500 square kilometres...
  18. Commemorative Watch Fob for Suppression [of Guerrillas] near Erdaohezi/北洲二道河子分屯隊 討伐記念章

    Obverse 討伐記念 - Subjugation/Suppression Commemorative reverse 北洲二道河子分屯隊 - North Manchuria Erdaohezi Sub-camp Unit/Corps Erdaohezi is a village under the jurisdiction of Jianping County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province 白昭和十一年四月 - from April 1936 至昭和十一年九月 - until September 1936 Original...