Manchukuo Army Pilot Badge/滿洲國陸軍飛行機操縱術修得徽章

Manchukuo Army Airplane Piloting Mastery Badge /滿洲國陸軍飛行機操縱術修得徽章/ was established by Army ordinance No.1 /軍分第一號/ on March 30, 1940 /康德七年三月三十日/. Ordinance came into effect on April 1, 1940.

Original line drawings and description.

Manchukuo Army Pilot Badge.jpg
Manchukuo Army Pilot  Badge.jpg

Reverse inscribed

滿洲國陸軍飛行機 - Manchukuo Army Airplane

操縱術修得徽章 - Piloting Mastery Badge

Silvered badge with gilded propeller and enameled Manchukuo army star of five colors yellow/red/blue/white/black.
Badge was awarded by the Minister of Public Security and worn under the right uniform pocket.

Original text of army ordinance No.1 (Japanese and Chinese versions).


Original badges are not known for today.

Fakes and replicas.

Photos courteously of the owner.

Fake Manchukuo Army Pilot Badge.jpg

Manchukuo  Army Pilot Badge.jpg
Manchukuo Army  Pilot Badge.jpg
Another variation of copy from the same manufacturer.

Copy of Manchukuo Army Pilot Badge.jpg
Copy of  Manchukuo Army Pilot Badge.jpg
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    aviation of manchukuo fake manchukuo medal fake manchukuo pilot badge manchukuo army aviation badge manchukuo army pilot badge manchukuo badge manchukuo empire army pilot badge manchukuo fake badge manchukuo pilot badge regulation 満州国バッチ 滿洲國章 滿洲國陸軍徽章 滿洲國陸軍章 滿洲國陸軍飛行機操縱術修得徽章 陸軍飛行機操縱術修得徽章
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