japanese wound badge

  1. Greater Japan Disabled Veterans Association Official’s Badge/大日本傷痍軍人會役員徽章

    Post war version of this badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/japan-disabled-veterans-association-officers-badge.24009/ 1st variation /double pin in base metal/ Approximate height 20 mm. Approximate width 19 mm. Silvered badge. Reverse 大日本傷痍軍人會 - Greater Japan Disabled Veterans...
  2. Badges of Saitama Prefecture Branch of Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 埼玉県章

    No. 627 Reverse 埼玉県 - Saitama Prefecture 傷痍軍人会 - Disabled Veterans Association + punched number 627.
  3. Badge of Itabashi Branch of Tokyo Metropolitan Disabled Veterans Association/東京都傷痍軍人会板橋支部章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/badge-of-sumida-branch-of-tokyo-metropolitan-disabled-veterans-association.23809/ No.115 Obverse 東 for 東京 - Tokyo Reverse 東京都傷痍軍人会 - Tokyo Metropolitan Disabled Veterans Association 板橋支部 - Itabashi Branch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itabashi...
  4. Japan Disabled Veterans Association Membership Badge/日本傷痍軍人会章

    This is a general (i.e. without any additional emblems/inscriptions of specific branch) badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-labels-and-marks-of-tomei-badges-tomei-kisho.23152/ Numerous variations are known. Badges made by Tomei workshop...
  5. Badges of Oita Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/大分県傷痍軍人会章

    No. 119 Emblem of the Oita Prefecture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ōita_Prefecture in the center of obverse /stylized kanji 大 O of Oita in a circle form symbolizing friendship of the people and the development of the prefecture/.
  6. Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Badges with kanji "身"/日本傷痍軍人会"身"章

    No. 1102 Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 身 - Body; Identity. Correct positioning of the central medallion. See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-disabled-veterans-association-badge-with-kanji.24031/
  7. Badges of Yamaguchi Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/山口県 傷痍軍人会章

    No. 10 Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse stylized 山口 for 山口県 - Yamaguchi Prefecture. Screw.
  8. Badges of Shiga Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/滋賀縣 傷痍軍人会章

    No. 581 Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 滋賀縣 - Shiga Prefecture 傷痍軍人会 - Disabled Veterans Association + punched number 581.
  9. Badges of Tokushima Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/徳島県 傷痍軍人会章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 徳 for 徳島県 -Tokushima Prefecture
  10. Badges of Gunma Prefecture Union of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/郡馬県 傷痍軍人連合会章

    No. 442 Reverse 郡馬県 - Gunma Prefecture 傷痍軍人連合会 - Disabled Veterans Union Association + punched number 442.
  11. Badges of Kanagawa Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/神奈川縣 日本傷痍軍人会章

    No. 372 Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse Symbol of Kanagawa reverse 神奈川縣 - Kanagawa Prefecture + punched number 372.
  12. Badges of Niigata Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/新潟県 日本傷痍軍人会章

    No. 344 Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 新潟県 - Niigata Prefecture 傷痍軍人会 - Disabled Veterans Association + punched number 344.
  13. Badges of Nara Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/奈良県 傷痍軍人会員章

    No. 15? Reverse 奈良県 - Nara Prefecture 傷痍軍人会員章 - Japan Disabled Veterans Association Membership Badge + punched number.
  14. Badges of Kagawa Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/香川県 日本傷痍軍人会章

    No. 21 Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 香川県傷痍軍人会 - Kagawa Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association + punched number 21.
  15. Badges of Kagawa Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/香川県 日本傷痍軍人会章

    No. 21 Reverse 香川県傷痍軍人会 - Kagawa Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association + punched number 21.
  16. Miniature Disabled Veterans Association Badges in Silver/ミニチュア傷痍軍人会章

    1st variation. Photo courtesy of the owner. Size approximately 18 mm. Marked 純銀 - pure silver.
  17. Aichi Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association Badges/愛知県日本傷痍軍人会章

    1st type badges. No. 1255 Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse Aichi prefecture emblem reverse 愛知県 - Aichi Prefecture + punched number.
  18. Merit Badge of Oita Prefecture Branch of Disabled Veterans Wifes Association/大分県傷痍軍人妻の会功労章

    35 mm. Obverse 功勞章 - Merit Badge reverse 大分県傷痍軍人妻の会 - Oita Prefecture Branch of Disabled Veterans Wifes Association Overlay.
  19. Kasuga City Branch of Wounded Persons Association Badge/傷痍者会春日市部章

    No. 18 Reverse 傷痍者会 - Wounded Persons Association 春日市部 - Kasuga City Branch of Wounded Association Marked 純銀 pure silver and has punched number 18. Impressive quality for such tiny (16 mm) badge.
  20. Oval White Enamelled Badges of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/白小判 日本傷痍軍人会章

    Main manufacturer of these badges was Tomei workshop in Tokyo https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-labels-and-marks-of-tomei-badges-tomei-kisho.23152/ Rounded badges were issued by the Japan Disabled Veterans Association /Male Version/. Elongated badges were issued by the Japan Disabled...