Badges of Shiga Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/滋賀縣 傷痍軍人会章

No. 581

Photo courtesy of the owner.

滋賀縣 傷痍軍人会章.jpg
滋賀縣 傷痍軍人会章..jpg


滋賀縣 - Shiga Prefecture

傷痍軍人会 - Disabled Veterans Association


punched number 581.
No. 603

Photo courtesy of the owner.

Badge of Shiga Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association.jpg
Badge of Shiga Prefecture Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association-.jpg
  • Tags
    japanese badge japanese wound badge shiga prefecture disabled veterans association wound badge 大日本傷痍軍人会章 滋賀縣傷痍軍人会章
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