japanese wound badge

  1. Oval White Enamelled Badges of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/白小判 日本傷痍軍人会章

    Main manufacturer of these badges was Tomei workshop in Tokyo https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-labels-and-marks-of-tomei-badges-tomei-kisho.23152/ Rounded badges were issued by the Japan Disabled Veterans Association /Male Version/. Elongated badges were issued by the Japan Disabled...
  2. Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Merit Badge/財団法人日本傷痍軍人会功労章

    1st variation "ungilded kanji 功勞". Obverse 功勞 - Merit reverse 財団法人 - Foundation 日本傷痍軍人会 - Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Original case. All known variations of this badge were manufactured by Tenkodo workshop in Kyoto...
  3. Rehabilitation of Wounds Annual Revitalizing Meeting Merit Badge/財団法人傷痍者更年 事業振興会 功労章

    Photo courtesy of the owner. Obverse 功勞章 - Merit Badge reverse 財団法人 - Foundation 傷痍者更 - Rehabilitation of Wounds 年事業振興会 - Annual Revitalizing/Revival Meeting
  4. Railroad Disabled Veteran Badge/鐵道傷痍記章

    Late war badge from approximately 1943+ time period. Photo courtesy of the owner. Reverse 鐵道傷痍記章 - Railroad Disabled Veteran Badge Original case. 鐵道傷痍記章 - Railroad Disabled Veteran Badge
  5. Anonymous Badges of Disabled Veterans Association

    Usually such badgehave additional inscription on reverse. This thread devoted to badges without such insriptions. 1st variation in silver. No.40 Most likely in the center two stylized kanji 日本 - Japan. The potential problem with all these interpretations is that we don`t even know (for...
  6. Badges of Ibaraki Prefecture Branch of Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 茨城県支部章

    No. 4122 Obverse Stylized 県 - Prefecture reverse 茨城県 - Ibaraki Prefecture 傷痍 - Disabled Veteran Original screw.
  7. Uchide no Kozuchi "Magic hammer" in Commemoration of 42nd Anniversary of Disabled Veterans Wifes Association

    Interesting commemorative porcelain piece. Measures about 10 cm long and weighs about 140 grams. 42nd National War Wound Association General Meeting in Matsuyama. 24th National War Wound Association Wives. General Meeting, September 19, 1986.
  8. Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Badges with kanji "傷 Wound"/日本傷痍軍人会"傷"章

    1st type. Approximate size 17 mm. In the center of obverse written in seal script 傷 - wound. Screwplate.
  9. 3rd General Assembly of Disabled Veterans Association Participant Commemorative Badge/日本傷痍軍人会 第三回大会 参加記念章

    Obverse 第三回大会 - 3rd General Assembly 参加記念章 - Participant Commemorative Badge
  10. Badges of Osaka Branch of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 大阪府章

    Only 大阪府 - Osaka on revers.
  11. Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Memorial Ceremony of 1983 Badge/日本傷痍軍人会天皇陛下行幸記念式典章

    Reverse 天皇陛下行幸 - Visit of His Majesty the Emperor 昭和58年 - 1983 記念式典 - Memorial Ceremony 日本傷痍軍人会 Japanese Disabled Veterans Association Marked with Tomei workshop mark https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-labels-and-marks-of-tomei-badges-tomei-kisho.23152/ Original case.
  12. Belt Buckles of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会バックル

    Reverse 財団法人 - Juridical Foundation 日本傷痍軍人会 - Japanese Disabled Veterans Association
  13. Badge of Sumida Branch of Tokyo Metropolitan Disabled Veterans Association/東京都傷痍軍人会墨田支部章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/badge-of-itabashi-branch-of-tokyo-metropolitan-disabled-veterans-association.24010/ Obverse 東 for 東京 - Tokyo Reverse 東京都傷痍軍人会 - Tokyo Metropolitan Disabled Veterans Association 墨田支部 - Sumida Branch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumida,_Tokyo
  14. Memorial Ceremony Special Merit Badges of Japan Disabled Veterans Association/日本傷痍軍人会 特別功労章

    Reverse 平成15年記念式典 - 2003 Memorial Ceremony 特別功労章 - Special Merit Badge (財)日本傷痍軍人会 - Japan Disabled Veterans Association
  15. Wife of the Wounded Soldier Badge from Sakai Branch of Association/大日本傷痍軍人會 妻章

    Obverse 妻 - wife + Emblem of Sakai city in Osaka prefecture.
  16. Disabled Veteran Identification Badge from 1909/帝國廢兵授産會 廃兵証明章

    30mm Suspension 帝國廢兵授産會 - Imperial Disabled Veterans Sheltered Employment Association Obverse 廃兵証明 -Disabled Soldier Proof [証明 - proof; verification; certification] Reverse 非廃兵佩用嚴禁 - Forbidden to Use by Non-Disabled Veterans 明治四十二年一月旋行 - January 1909 Trip [travel, journey]
  17. Hyogo Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association Badges/兵庫県廢兵聯合會章

    Reverse 兵庫県廢兵聯合會 - Hyogo Prefecture Disabled Veterans Association 會員章 - Member Badge Original case.
  18. Wound Badge of 11th Army/第十一軍戰傷徽章

    The Japanese 11th Army /第十一軍戰/ was formed on July 4, 1938 under the Japanese Central China Area Army for the task of conquering and occupying the central provinces of China between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The 11th Army played a major role in the Battle of Wuhan. From September...
  19. Merit Badge of Greater Japanese Empire Wounded Soldiers Association/大日本傷痍軍人會功勞章

    Reverse horizontally 大日本傷痍軍人會 - Greater Japanese Empire Wounded Soldiers Association vertically 功勞章 - Merit Badge Original case. All known badges were made by Minami workshop. 南謹製 - made by Minami
  20. Good Conduct Badge of Greater Japanese Empire Wounded Soldiers Association/大日本傷痍軍人會 善行章

    Reverse horizontally 大日本傷痍軍人會 - Greater Japanese Empire Wounded Soldiers Association vertically 善行章 - Good Conduct Badge Original case.