japanese police badge

  1. All Japan Security Guard /A.J.S.G./ Badge

    Early post-war badge.
  2. Japanese Police Award Badge/警察庁彰章

    Obverse Japanese police badge 彰 - Award; Commendation Case. Label of Akiba workshop
  3. Chief of the Kajizawa City Police Department Award Badge/鰍沢警察本部長賞章

    Obverse Japanese police emblem reverse 賞 - Award 鰍沢警察本部長 - Chief of the Kajizawa Police Department /Kajizawa is the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture in central Japan/
  4. Crime Prevention Merit Award Badge from Wakimachi Town Chief of Police/脇町警察署長防犯功労表彰章

    Obverse Emblem of Japanese police 表彰 - Award 防犯功労 - Merits in Crime Prevention reverse 脇町警察署長 - Chief of Police, Wakimachi /town located in Mima District, Tokushima Prefecture/
  5. Merit Award Badge from Aomori Prefecture Chief of Police/青森県警察本部長功労賞章

    1st variation. Obverse Japanese police emblem reverse 功労賞 - Merit Award 青森県 - Aomori Prefecture 警察本部長 - Chief of Police
  6. Yamanashi Prefecture Crime Prevention Association Merit Badge/山梨県防犯協会功労章

    Obverse 防犯 - Crime Prevention reverse 功労章 - Merit Badge 山梨県防犯協会 - Yamanashi Prefecture Crime Prevention Association Original case. 功労章 - Merit Badge 山梨県防犯協会 - Yamanashi Prefecture Crime Prevention Association
  7. 1964 Olympic Games Japanese Police Interpreter Badge

    Size 20 x 60 mm.
  8. Police Advisor Badge/警察顧問章

    Size 30 mm. Obverse Japanese Police emblem reverse engraved 顧問 - Advisor
  9. 1929 Hyogo Prefecture Imperial Visit Security Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和四年五月兵庫県行幸御警記念章

    Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 行幸御警記念 - Imperial Visit Security Commemorative 兵庫縣 - Hyogo Prefecture Marked 銀 - Silver 昭和四年五月 - May 1929 Beautifully enameled watch fob. Original case. 昭和行幸御警記念 - Showa Emperor Visit Security Commemorative 兵庫縣警察部 - Hyogo Prefecture Police Department
  10. 1948 Opening of the Imperial Palace Police Station Commemorative Watch Fob/1948年皇宮警察府開廳記念章

    Size 28 mm. Obverse Imperial chrysanthemum mon/菊の御紋, kikunogomon/, that is used by the Emperor of Japan. reverse 昭和二十三年三月七日 - March 7, 1948 皇宮警察府開廳記念- Opening of the Imperial Palace Police Station Commemorative
  11. Osaka Prefecture Police Officer in Plain-Clothes Badge/大阪府私服警察官之章

    Reverse Osaka Prefect. Policemen in Plain-Clothes 大阪府私服警察官之章 -Osaka Prefecture Police Officer in Plain-Clothes Badge Numbered "1833".
  12. 2nd National Police Inspectors 1930 General Meeting Commemorative Table Medal/昭和五年十月十七日第二回全國警察官走道大會章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/4th-national-police-inspectors-1932-general-meeting-commemorative-watch-fob.27985/ Size 70 mm. Weight 210 g. Obverse 武勇 - Bravery 伯爵東郷平八郎書 - Count Togo Heihachiro's writing reverse 昭和五年十月十七日 - October 17, 1930 第二回全國警 - 2nd National Police...
  13. 4th National Police Inspectors 1932 General Meeting Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和七年十月十二日第四回全國警察官走道大會章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/2nd-national-police-inspectors-1930-general-meeting-commemorative-table-medal.27986/ Obverse 武勇 - Bravery 伯爵東郷平八郎書 - Count Togo Heihachiro's writing reverse 昭和七年十月十二日 - October 12, 1932 第四回全國警 - 4th National Police 察官走道大會 - Inspectors General...
  14. 1925 His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Imperial Visit to Yamagata Prefecture Commemorative Badge/大正十四年皇太子殿下山形県行啓記念記念章

    Obverse Police emblem reverse 皇太子殿下 - His Royal Highness the Crown Prince 大正十四年 - 1925 行啓記念 - Imperial Visit Commemorative 山形縣 - Yamagata Prefecture Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 皇太子殿下 - His Royal Highness the Crown Prince 行啓- Imperial Visit 記念 - Commemorative 山形縣 -...
  15. Otawara City Military Police Badge/大田原憲兵章

    Post-war badge from late 1940s/early 1950s. Obverse M.P. for Military Police 大田原 - Ōtawara /a city located in Tochigi Prefecture/
  16. Yokohama City Shield Police Badge/横浜市警察章

    Obvious American influence. 横浜市警察 - Yokohama City Police Numbered 87.
  17. 1935 Yokohama Police Expo Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十年十月横浜貿易新報社警察大博覽會記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse Emblem of Yokohama Bōeki Shinpō-sha = Yokohama Trade News Newspaper 警博記念 - Police Expo Commemorative reverse 昭和十年十月 - October 1935 警察大博覽會 - Police Grand Expo 横濱賀易部報社 - Yokohama Trade News Newspaper
  18. Tokyo Security Service Association Award Badges/東京都警備業協会優良章

    1st variation. Obverse 優 - Excellent reverse 東京都警備業協会 - Tokyo Security Service Association Original case. 優良警備員章二級 - Excellent Security Guard Badge of Second Class
  19. 1952 Establishment of the Security Corps Commemorative Watch Fob/一九五二年十月十五日保安隊発足記念章 

    Obverse Police emblem reverse 一九五二年十月十五日 - October 15, 1952 保安隊発足記念 - Commemorating the Establishment of the Security [lit. peace preservation] Corps
  20. Hwanghae Province Police Commemorative Watch Fob/黃海道慰勞記念章
