japanese police badge

  1. Otawara City Military Police Badge/大田原憲兵章

    Post-war badge from late 1940s/early 1950s. Obverse M.P. for Military Police 大田原 - Ōtawara /a city located in Tochigi Prefecture/
  2. Yokohama City Shield Police Badge/横浜市警察章

    Obvious American influence. 横浜市警察 - Yokohama City Police Numbered 87.
  3. 1935 Yokohama Police Expo Commemorative Watch Fob/昭和十年十月横浜貿易新報社警察大博覽會記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse Emblem of Yokohama Bōeki Shinpō-sha = Yokohama Trade News Newspaper 警博記念 - Police Expo Commemorative reverse 昭和十年十月 - October 1935 警察大博覽會 - Police Grand Expo 横濱賀易部報社 - Yokohama Trade News Newspaper
  4. Tokyo Security Service Association Award Badges/東京都警備業協会優良章

    1st variation. Obverse 優 - Excellent reverse 東京都警備業協会 - Tokyo Security Service Association Original case. 優良警備員章二級 - Excellent Security Guard Badge of Second Class
  5. 1952 Establishment of the Security Corps Commemorative Watch Fob/一九五二年十月十五日保安隊発足記念章 

    Obverse Police emblem reverse 一九五二年十月十五日 - October 15, 1952 保安隊発足記念 - Commemorating the Establishment of the Security [lit. peace preservation] Corps
  6. Hwanghae Province Police Commemorative Watch Fob/黃海道慰勞記念章

  7. Commemorative Watch Fob in Recognition of Hwanghae Province Police Service During Showa Emperor Enthronement/昭和三年御大禮黃海道慰勞記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Don Pfeifer. Obverse 御大禮記念 - Enthronement Commemorative Police emblem between two Fènghuáng mythological birds (symbol of the imperial house that represented "fire, the sun, justice, obedience, and fidelity"). 昭和三年 - 1928 reverse 慰勞 - Recognition of...
  8. 1936 Prince Nashimoto Morimasa Kyoto Imperial Inspection Security Commemorative Badge/梨本総裁宮殿下京都府御検閲記念章

    Reverse 梨本総裁宮殿下 - His Imperial Highness Prince Nashimoto 御検閲記念 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative 昭和十ー年十月十日 - October 10, 1936 京都府 - Kyoto
  9. Shizuoka Prefecture Police Department Award Watch Fob/静岡県警察部賞章 

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 静岡県警察部 - Shizuoka Prefecture Police Department
  10. Gifu Prefecture Vigilance Corps Membership Badge/岐阜県自警団員之章

    Reverse 岐阜縣 - Gifu Prefecture 自警團 /Jikeidan/ - Vigilance Committee; Vigilante Corps 員之章 - Membership Badge
  11. 1937 Empress Visit to Mie Prefecture Guarding Commemorative Badge/昭和十二年皇太后陛下行啓御警衛記念章

    Obverse 御警衛記念 - Imperial Guard/Escort Commemorative 三重縣 - Mie Prefecture reverse 昭和十二年六月 - June 1937 皇太后陛下 - Her Majesty the Empress 行啓記念 - Attendance (of the Empress) Commemorative
  12. Osaka Shimbun Police Officer Award Badge/産業経済新聞社 大阪の警官賞章

    大阪新聞社 - Osaka Shimbun 産業経済新聞社 - Sankei Shimbun Co., Ltd. 大阪の警官賞 - Osaka Police Officer Award 昭和33年1月- January 1958 Badge was made by Ikoma workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-marks-and-history-of-ikoma-workshop.20961