japanese medal bar

  1. Japanese Medal Bars with Unusual Combination of Order Classes

    Unidentified captain from 34th Infantry Regiment. 4th class Sacred Treasure order, 6th/7th Golden Kite order and only 7th class Rising Sun order.
  2. Japanese Medal Bars and Awards Groups with Orders and Medals of the Holy See

    Interesting medal bar (with violations of the rules of wearing https://asiamedals.info/threads/order-of-wearing-japanese-orders-and-medals.23018/) 1925 Vatican Mission Exposition Medal in silver (size approx. 32 mm, weight approx. 13 g.) In 1925 the Vatican Missionary Exhibition took place...
  3. Japanese Medal Bars with Peruvian Orders and Medals

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-officers-with-peruvian-awards.25383/ Excellent group. Order of the Sun of Peru, Knight made by Lemaitre workshop.
  4. British Medal Bars with Japanese Awards

    Medal bar with Taisho Enthronement medal attributed to Sir Conyngham Greene - British diplomat who served as minister to Switzerland, Romania and Denmark, and as ambassador to Japan. Jubilee 1897; Coronation 1902; Coronation 1911; Taisho Enthronement Medal 1915. Sir William Conyngham Greene...
  5. Japanese Medal Bar with Four Foreign Orders and Chain of Miniatures of Matsunaga Takekichi

    Interesting and rare medal bar of that belong to Takekichi Matsunaga. Matsunaga Takekichi /松永 武吉/ (November 19 (October 16) , 1869- January 15, 1936) was born in Kagoshima Prefecture as the second son of Kanoyasu Matsunaga a former samurai of the Satsuma Domain. In July 1891 he graduated from...
  6. Admiral's Medal Bar with US Navy Distinguished Service Medal

    Rare bird. "The Navy Distinguished Service Medal is bestowed upon members of the Navy or Marine Corps who distinguish themselves by exceptionally meritorious service to the United States government in a duty of great responsibility. To justify this decoration, exceptional performance of duty...
  7. Japanese Medal Bars with Korean Orders and Medals

    Nice medal bar with 6th class Korean order of the Eight Trigrams.
  8. Multi-row Japanese Medal Bars

    Unknown colonel (see also https://asiamedals.info/threads/japanese-ribbon-bars-on-cavaliers.22975/#post-352161) Amazing set of two medal bars with Nomonhan Incident. Note that upper medal hanger is a very rare early type.
  9. Privately Comissioned Cases for the Japanese Medal Bars

    Some of these were homemade while others were bought by the cavaliers from the private workshops and retailers.
  10. Medal Bar with Wang Jingwei Regime /Reorganized National Government of the Republic of China/ Awards

    Very rare general's medal group with two Wang Jingwei awards. Details. Wang Jingwei 1941 Visit to Japan Commemorative Medal https://asiamedals.info/threads/wang-jingwei-1941-visit-to-japan-commemorative-medal.24226/ 1943 Second National Military Conference Commemorative Medal...
  11. Medal of Honor Golden and Silver Bars for Additional Awards/飾版褒章

    Additional awards of the same Medal of Honor are represented by additional narrower silver bars, each engraved with the date of the award. For the sixth award an ornamental gold bar (made in gilded silver) without engraving is given in exchange for the last five silver bars that were awarded...
  12. Japanese Medal Bar with Spanish Order of Military Merit /Orden del Mérito Militar/

    Rare combination. Central medallion is missing. Cross with White Decoration /con distintivo blanco/ - for actions, deeds or distinguished service during missions or ordinary or extraordinary service in the armed forces or in connection with defense of the country. Improvised case.
  13. Database of Original Japanese Medal Bars

    Details. Reverse of Rising Sun was damaged. Auspecious clouds. Medals.
  14. Japanese Medals Bars with Inner Mongolia National Foundation Merit Medal

    About the medal https://asiamedals.info/threads/mengjiang-autonomous-government-national-foundation-merit-medal.24586/ Nice start.
  15. German Medal Bars with Japanese Orders and Medals

    Medal bar that belonged to a German Red Crosse Society member.
  16. Database of fake /put-together/ japanese medal bars

    7th class Golden Kite belong to the Meiji/Taisho epoch and 6th class Rising Sun came from 1940 + period of time.
  17. Japanese Ribbon Bars in Photos

    Nice start.
  18. Medal Bar with Manchukuo National Census Commemorative Medal and Winner's Сurse

    It would be a pretty standard medal bar if not for this medal. Manchukuo National Census Commemorative Medal. A little bit "bloomed" but it happens. Original assembly.
  19. Medal and Ribbon Bars with Two Golden Kite Orders

    About these rare cases https://asiamedals.info/threads/may-wear-both-classes-of-order-of-golden-kite-simultaneously.11712/ 12 place medal bar. Obvious violation rules of wearing. Inside the field case. 5th class was made by Mint. 7th class was made by Shobido workshop...