japanese army badge

  1. Imperial Military Reservist Association Teshima Ward Branch Award Badge/帝国在郷軍人会豊島区聯合分会賞章

    Obverse 賞 - Award reverse 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association 豊島區聯合分會 - Teshima Ward Branch of Association
  2. Army Large Special Maneuvers Osaka City Committee Member's Badge/陸軍特別大演習大阪市委員徽章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/army-large-special-maneuvers-committee-member-badge.23523/ Size 53 mm. Obverse Osaka city emblem. Marked 花十三製 - made by Hana Jūzō [13 flowers] workshop. Original case. 陸軍特別大演習 - Army Large Special Maneuvers 委員徽章 - Committee Member's Badge...
  3. 1930 Army Special Large Maneuvers Okayama City Committee Member's Badge/昭和五年岡山市陸軍特別大演習委微員章

    Obverse Okayama City emblem reverse 岡山市 - Okayama City 昭和五年 - 1930 陸軍特別大演習委微員章 - Army Special Large Maneuvers [Affairs] Committee Member's Badge
  4. Youth Training Faithful Service Award Badge in Photos

    Amazingly rare family photo. Captain /and officer of Imperial Military Reservist Association https://asiamedals.info/forums/imperial-military-reservist-association-badges.611/ / with youth training faithful service award badge...
  5. Sakai Regimental District Officer Corps East Ward Branch Member's Badge/堺聯隊區将校團東區分團員章

    See also Osaka Regimental District Officer Corps Badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/osaka-regimental-district-officer-corps-badge.23910/ Tokyo Hongō Ward Officer Corps Badge https://asiamedals.info/threads/tokyo-hongo-ward-regimental-district-officer-corps-badge.24087/ Obverse Kikusui...
  6. 1941 Torii Unit Hankou Security Commemorative Watch Fob/1941年鳥居部隊漢口警備記念章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/china-incident-commemorative-badges-and-watch-fobs.22957/page-3#post-211452 Obverse Inside the flag 警 for 警備 - Security /policing; guard/ 漢口警備記念 - Hankou Security /policing; guard/ Commemorative (Hankou was one of the three towns (the other two...
  7. 10th Division Army Commemorative Convention Watch Fob/第十師團陸軍記念大會章

    Size 22.25 mm. Reverse 第十師團 - 10th Division 陸軍記念大會 - Army Commemorative Convention /General Meeting/
  8. Japanese Army Merit Association Badge/陸軍勲會章

    Height 43 mm. Obverse 勲會 - Merit Association
  9. Shinagawa Ward Union Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Establishment Commemorative Watch Fob/帝国在郷軍人会品川區聨合分会發會記念章

    Obverse 記念 - Commemorative reverse 發會記念 - Establishment Commemorative 品川區聨合分會 - Shinagawa Ward Union Branch of Association 帝國在郷軍人會- Imperial Military Reservist Association
  10. Japanese Army Marksmanship Badges made by Seieido workshop/正榮堂謹製小銃射撃兵徽章

    Stamp of Seieido workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-watch-fobs-made-by-seieido-workshop.21977/
  11. Hito Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association Completion of Military Volunteer Training Badge/帝国在郷軍人會軍義請備習備了氷戸支部章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 氷戸支部 - Hito Branch 軍義請備習備了- Military Volunteer Training Completed
  12. Japanese Officer's Pilot Badges Made in Silver/純銀製将校用操縦徽章

    Silver, gilt. Marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 将校用操縦徽章 - Officer's Pilot Badge
  13. Army Youth Tank School Graduation Commemorative Watch Fobs/陸軍少年戦車兵学校章

    Reverse 少年戦車兵 - Youth/Boy Tankman 第二期生 - 2nd Class Graduating Student /230 students of 2nd class graduated on November 10, 1942/
  14. Japanese Army Pilot Badges made by Koyano Watch Shop/下士官用操縦徽章古谷野時計店

    Engraved 武市篤 - Takechi Atsushi marked 純銀 - pure silver. Original case. 下士官用操縦徽章 - Non-commissioned Officer's Pilot Badge 古谷野時計店 - Koyano Watch Shop Shimodate city, Ibaraki Prefecture
  15. 1933 Army Special Large Army Maneuvers Ishikawa Prefecture Administrative Committee Member Badge/1933年石川県陸軍特別大演習事務委員徽章

    Obverse 石 for 石川県 - Ishikawa Prefecture reverse 昭和八年陸軍特別大演習事務委員徽章 - 1933 Army Special Large Army Maneuvers Administrative Committee Member Badge 石川県 - Ishikawa Prefecture Original case. 陸軍特別大演習- Army Special Large Army Maneuvers 事務委員徽章 - Administrative /Affairs/ Committee Member Badge
  16. 1933 Army Special Large Maneuvers Personal inspection Badge/昭和八年十月特別大演習親閲記念章

    Badges with similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/1932-osaka-imperial-inspection-commemorative-badge.24909/ ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/1932-large-maneuvers-imperial-inspection-participation-commemorative-badge.24908/ Obverse 親閲 - Personal inspection 記念 - Commemorative...
  17. Japanese Imperial Army Korea Stationing Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/韓国駐屯記念章

  18. Temporary Dispatch to Korea Commemorative Watch Fob/振武臨時朝鮮派遣記念章

    Watch fob with a same design of obverse https://asiamedals.info/threads/suppression-of-taiwan-barbarians-commemorative-watch-fob.27521/ Obverse 振武 = 神武 /Shinbu/ - "military might" or, in the narrow sense, "sublime martial moral power". The idea of shinbu embraces physical, spiritual and...
  19. Japanese Imperial Army Field Artillery Regiments Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/野戦砲兵記念章

  20. Well-worn Japanese Pilot Badges

    These badges have a distinct charm.