japanese army badge

  1. Two Japanese Pilot Badges Owned by the Same Pilot

    Right one 陸軍飛行機操縦徽章 - Army Pilot's Badge left one 下士官用操縦徽章 - Non-commissioned Officer's Pilot Badge
  2. Imperial Army Border Guard Commemorative Badge/皇軍国境警備記念章

    Obverse 皇軍 - Imperial Army reverse 國境警備記念章 - Border Guard Commemorative Badge Engraved 田崎武男 - Takeo Tasaki
  3. 1935 Kojimachi Town Kenpeitai Squad Horse Racing Competition Watch Fob/昭和拾年麹町憲兵分隊丸ノ内乘馬會聨合競技會章

    Reverse 麹町憲兵分隊丸ノ内乘馬會 - Kojimachi [district in Chiyoda, Tokyo] Kenpeitai Squad Marunouchi [district in Chiyoda, Tokyo] Horse Racing Association 聨合競技會 - Union Competition 昭和拾年 - 1935
  4. Fakes and Replicas of Japanese Army Pilot Badge

    将校用操縦徽章 - Officer's Pilot Badge
  5. 1938 Japan Defense Ski Qualification Badge/皇紀二五九八年日本国防スキー 適任章

    With the entry to the Second Sino-Japanese War Japanese government limited the citizenʼs life style, sports, and entertainment. Voluntarily refrain was called for, and ski was no exception since it was already established as a mean of entertainment. During this change, the idea that ski should...
  6. Badges made by Hikotaro Wada workshop/和田彦太郎

    Standart workshop labels, stamps and marks.
  7. NCO Diligent Service Badges made by Kobayashi Matashichi workshop

    Lid stamped with 下士勤功章 - NCO Diligent Service Badge Manufacturer ink stamp inside, 東京 - Tokyo 小林又七製 - Made by Kobayashi Matashichi https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-made-by-kobayashi-matashichi-workshop.26352/
  8. NCO Diligent Service Badges made by Hikotaro Wada workshop

    1st variation "unmarked". Original case. 下士勤功章 - NCO Diligent Service Badge 大阪市東區上本町一 - 1 Uehonmachi, East District, Osaka City 和田彦太郎 - Hikotarō Wada https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-made-by-hikotaro-wada-workshop.26351/ 納 - Supplied by
  9. Manufacturers of Japanese Army Proficiency Badges

    Army Marksmanship Badge manufacturers. Munitions Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Tokyo https://asiamedals.info/threads/army-marksmanship-badges-made-by-munitions-manufacturing-co-ltd.28969/ Original case for the 2nd class badge. 軍需品製造株式會社 - Munitions Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 東京 - Tokyo
  10. 48th Infantry Regiment Military Service Completion Commemorative/歩四八退營記念章

    Silvered variation. Specimen from personal collection. Obverse 歩四八退營記念 - 48th Infantry Regiment Military Service Retirement Commemorative
  11. Shigeru Watanabe Unit Service Commemorative Watch Fob/渡邊滋部隊從軍記念章

    Size 27 x 39 mm. Obverse 渡 for 渡邊滋 - Shigeru Watanabe reverse 勇猛 - Bravery 果敢 - Determination 渡邊滋部隊從軍記念 - Shigeru Watanabe Unit Service Commemorative
  12. 26th Field Artillery Regiment Watch Fob/龍山野砲第二十六聯隊章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 野砲第二十六聯隊 - 26th Field Artillery Regiment 龍山 - Longshan
  13. 1939 Machine Gun Officer Candidate Watch Fob/昭和一四年度機関銃幹部候補生章

    Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse MG for Maschinengewehr = Machine Gun reverse 昭和一四年度- 1939 機関銃幹部候補生 - Machine Gun Officer Candidate Case. Watch fob was made by Tokyo workshop 塚本徽章製作所 - Tsukamoto Medal Works.
  14. Fujino Corps Badge/阿合部隊藤野隊章

    See also these badges with similar design https://asiamedals.info/threads/manchurian-incident-commemorative-badges-and-watch-fobs.23177/page-3#post-349361; https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-watch-fobs-of-kwantung-army-flying-corps.20131/ ...
  15. Army Field Artillery School Watch Fob/陸軍野戰砲兵學校章

    Obverse 野戰砲兵學校 Field Artillery School
  16. 7th Guards Air Regiment (Rentai) Service Commemorative Watch Fob/近衛飛行越第七聯隊在隊記念章

    Badge (converted into a watch fob) in the form of army pilot badge. Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 近衛飛行越第七聯隊 - 7th Guards Air Regiment (Rentai) 在隊記念 - Military Service Commemorative
  17. Type 1938 Japanese Wound Badges

    Type 1938 badge was established in two types on August 3, 1938: Type A /Kōshu - 甲種軍人傷痍記章/ badge for battle wounds and Type B /Otsushu - 乙種軍人傷痍記章/ for non-combat wounds or illness. Wound badges of old types were to be exchanged for the new type 1938. Original line drawings of both types...
  18. Rifle Shooting Qualification Badge/小銃射撃適任章

    Badges were manufactured by several workshops. One of these workshops was Kobayashi Medal Works https://asiamedals.info/threads/badges-and-watch-fobs-of-kobayashi-medal-mfg-co-ltd-medaru.22413/ 1st type "flat reverse" badges. 1940 early badge in pure silver. Marked 純銀 - pure silver...
  19. 54th Class of Imperial Japanese Army Academy Graduation Commemorative Watch Fob/陸軍土官學校第五十四期卒業訣別記念章

    Specimen from the collection of Raymond LaBar. Photos courtesy of the owner. Obverse 誠 - Faithfulness reverse 2600 = 1940 陸軍土官學校 - Imperial Japanese Army Academy 第五十四期 - 54th Class [Term] 遠藤部隊 - Endo Unit 掛川隊 - Kakegawa Corps 卒業訣別記念 - Graduation Farewell Commemorative
  20. Stationing in Manchuria Commemorative Badges and Watch Fobs/満州駐屯紀念章

    See also https://asiamedals.info/threads/manchurian-incident-commemorative-badges-and-watch-fobs.23177/ Obverse 満州駐屯紀念 - Stationing in Manchuria Commemorative reverse In Japan dragonfly often used as a symbol of bravery. The Japanese believed (mistakenly) that the dragonfly does not fly...