
  1. 2nd class St.Аnna orders of "early" iconography made by Albert Keibel

    Gold, enamel. Size 42.6 mm. Marked with "double-headed imperial eagle" and partly readable maker's mark "AK" for Albert Keibel on reverse beneath the enamel, ring marked with St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark "56+anchors" from 1882-1899 time period. Cross was awarded to colonel...
  2. Breast Stars of Saint Anna Order Made by an Unidentified Russian Workshops

    Silver, gilt, enamel. Unmarked. Ex-Tamman collection.
  3. 3rd class Orders of Saint Anna with Swords made in gold by Eduard /ВД/

    3rd class cross with swords. Gold, enamel. Width 35 mm. Marked with a St. Petersburg district assay office gold mark (alpha, female head in kokoshnik to the right, 56), round identification marks, maker's mark "ВД/VD" for Eduard workshop /ВД = Владимир Яковлевич Динаков/ and practically...
  4. 2nd class Orders of Saint Anna with Swords made in gold by Eduard /ВД/

    2nd class cross with swords. Gold, enamel. Width 48.7 x 43.6 mm. Weight 19.2 g. Marked with St. Petersburg district assay office gold mark (alpha, female head in kokoshnik to the right, 56), round identification marks, maker's mark "ВД/VD" for Eduard workshop /ВД = Владимир Яковлевич Динаков/...
  5. 1st class Orders of Saint Anna made in gold by Eduard /ИЛ/

    Gold, enamel. Size 58 x 55 mm. Weight 22.25 g. Marked with maker's mark "ИЛ" for Eduard workshop (personal mark of workshop jeweler Johann Gustavovich Linstead/Иоганн Густавович Линстед active until 1910), "Эдуардъ/Эдуард" and St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark [56, kokoshnik facing...
  6. 2st class St.Anna orders made by Kammerer & Keibel

    Gold, enamel. Size 42 mm. Weight 17.7 g. Marked on reverse under the enamel with "double-headed eagle", ring marked with St. Petersburg assay office year mark "1848".
  7. Orders of Saint Anna with Diamonds made by Karl Blank workshop /CB/

    2nd class cross of Saint Anna order with diamonds. Gold, silver, diamonds (about 3.2 ct.), enamel. Size 53.4 x 48.3 mm. Weight 32.9 g. Ribbon ring engraved No.136. According to the official archive files (RGIA, F. 468, opis 43, delo 1015, № 136/РГИА, фонд 468, опись 43, № 84) cross numbered...
  8. 3rd class Orders of Saint Anna made by Immanuel Pannasch /IP/ workshop

    Immanuel Pannasch /Emmanuel Pannasch; Emanuel Pannasch/ workshop used the following marks: "IP", "I•P" and "EP". See also orders of Saint Anna with Imperial Crown made by Immanuel Pannasch...
  9. 1st class Orders of Saint Anna made by Immanuel Pannasch /IP/ workshop

    Immanuel Pannasch /Emmanuel Pannasch; Emanuel Pannasch/ workshop used the following marks: "IP", "I•P" and "EP". See also orders of Saint Anna with Imperial Crown made by Immanuel Pannasch...
  10. 2nd class Orders of Saint Anna made by Immanuel Pannasch /IP/ workshop

    Immanuel Pannasch /Emmanuel Pannasch; Emanuel Pannasch/ workshop used the following marks: "IP", "I•P" and "EP". See also orders of Saint Anna with Imperial Crown made by Immanuel Pannasch...
  11. Privately Commissioned Order of Saint Anna Dimond-Cut Breast Star with Crown made by Heinrich Freiburg /HF/ workshop

    Silver, gilding, gold, enamel. Size 92.6 × 90.0 mm. Weight 51.79 g. Marked with a round city hallmark "coat of arms of St. Petersburg", silver hallmark "84" and maker's mark "HF" presumably mark of Heinrich Freiburg workshop /мастерская Генриха Фрейбурга/. See also...
  12. Orders of Saint Anna of "Holstein" type made by Afanasy Panov /A•P/

    Goldsmith Afanasy Panov /золотых дел мастер Афанасий Панов/ between 1802-1820 made 2897 "Holstein type" crosses of St. Anne order (type 1797) of 1st and 2nd class. See also Saint George orders made by Afanasy Panov...
  13. Orders of Saint Anna made by Chobillion, Paris

    St.Anna order breast star made by made by Chobillion Silver, gold, enamel. Size 87 x 86.5 mm. 1912 catalogue shows variant with a diamond cut rays. Details. Marked with a "boar's...
  14. Orders of Saint Anna of "Bulbous" type made by Grigory Petrovsky workshop /Г.П/

    See also 1st/2nd class from 1900+ time period. Gold, enamel. Size 53x48 mm. Weight 19 g. Marked with partly readable St. Petersburg assay office gold hallmark in an oval shield [alpha, female...