Orders of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/ marked "А.Б"

4th class cross.

Gold, enamel.
Size 39.6 x 35.3 mm.
Weight 10.97 g.

Marked with St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period of "shovel" form [alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56] and partly readable maker's mark "A.Б" for Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/.

Орден Святого Георгия 4-й степени мастерской Брылова.jpg

Орден  Святого Георгия 4-й степени мастерской Брылова.jpg


Орден Святого Георгия 4-й  степени мастерской Брылова.jpg

Орден Святого Георгия  4-й степени мастерской Брылова.jpg


Орден Святого Георгия 4-й степени мастерской  Брылова.jpg
Awards that belong to Vladislav Leopoldovich Tomashevsky /Владислав Леопольдович Томашевский/. From the Polish nobles of the Volyn province. He received his education in the Petrovsky Poltava Cadet Corps (1899). Entered service on August 30, 1899. Graduated from the Konstantinovsky Artillery School (1902). Released as Second Lieutenant (08/09/1902) to the 44th Artillery Brigade. Lieutenant (08/09/1905). Staff Captain (05/06/1908). On 09/01/1909 and 01/01/1910 Staff Captain of the 44th Artillery Brigade. Graduated from the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff (1910; 2nd category). WW1 participant. On 05/15/1915 and 06/06/1915 in the same rank in the 42nd artillery brigade. Colonel (26.11.1915). Commander of the 1st Division, 46th Artillery Brigade (05/24/1916). Member of the White movement in eastern Russia. Major General (10/31/1918). Inspector of Artillery of the Western Army (03/09/1919). Member of the George Duma of the Western Army of Troops A.V. Kolchak (04/20/1919) In 1919 he became an artillery inspector on the Eastern White Front. In exile in China. In July 1922 he was a member of the Marshal Zhang Zuolin army.
Note that Vladislav Leopoldovich also owned officially issued /"Kapitul"/ Saint George order made by Eduard https://asiamedals.info/threads/4th-class-st-george-orders-made-in-gold-by-eduard-workshop.22816.
Maker's mark on the ring of 4th class cross with the Brylov workshop iconography is unreadable.
Vladislav Leopoldovich was also awarded with A grade 1st class Nationalist China Medal of Armed Forces.


Vladislav Leopoldovich Tomashevsky with the very same privately-comissioned 4th class Saint George order cross.

4th class cross of Saint George order.

Gold, enamel.
Size 35.5 х 39.5 mm.

Marked with a partly readable St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period [alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56] and partly readable maker's mark "A.Б".

4th class Order of Saint  George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

4th class Order of Saint  George  made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

Order of Saint  George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg
  • Tags
    imperial russian order made by aб imperial russian order made by brylov workshop order made by the alexander brylov workshop orders of saint george made by brylov workshop именное клеймо а.б именное клеймо аб мастерская александра брылова орден святого георгия 4 класса орден святого георгия клеймо а.б орден святого георгия клеймо аб орден святого георгия мастерской брылова орден святого георгия частник орден святого георгия частной работы русский императорский орден мастерской брылова
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