Orders of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/ marked "А.Б"

Brylov / Brylev / Alexander Ionovich, 1902-1916. Gold and silver craftsman, orders manufacturing and trade, Nevsky, 61 (St. Petersburg).

Брылов /Брылев/ Александр Ионович, 1902–1916. Золотых и серебряных дел мастер, изготовление орденов и торговля, Невский, 61. В 1908 году депутат от золотых и серебряных дел мастеров при осмотре пробирным надзором магазинов.

Orders of Saint Vladimir made by the Alexander Brylov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...e-by-the-alexander-brylov-workshop-a-b.27411/
Orders of Saint Stanislaus made by the Alexander Brylov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...v-workshop-aleksandr-brylov-marked-a-b.28053/
Orders of Saint Anna made by the Alexander Brylov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/ord...v-workshop-aleksandr-brylov-marked-a-b.28170/
Order of Saint Anna miniatures made by the Alexander Brylov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/miniatures-of-the-order-of-st-anna.23167/page-4#post-364643 ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/miniatures-of-the-order-of-st-anna.23167/#post-348178 ; https://asiamedals.info/threads/miniatures-of-the-order-of-st-anna.23167/page-3#post-361148
Saint George cross miniatures made by the Alexander Brylov workshop https://asiamedals.info/threads/min...order-badge-of-distinction.25767/#post-365543

Crosses with iconography of 1st type.

4th class cross.
Gold, enamel.
Width 34 mm.

Marked with St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1904-1908 time period (56AR /AР/ for the Alexander Romanov /Александр Васильевич Романов/ assay district manager) and maker's mark "A.Б" for Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/.​

4th class Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class Order of Saint George  made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg


4th class Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov  workshop Александр Брылов.jpg


4th class Order  of  Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class cross.

Gold, enamel.
Marked with St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold and unreadable maker's mark.

4th class Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class  Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg

Central medallions.

4th class Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class  Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class cross.

Gold, enamel.
Size 33.5 х 38 mm.
Weight 6.97 g.

Marked with barely readable St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from per-1899 time period.
Judging by the iconography of obverse medallion this cross also could be made by "А.Б".

4th class Order  of Saint George.jpg
4th class Order of Saint George.jpg

Same cross under a different light.

4th class Order of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg
Orders of Saint George made  by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg
Crosses with iconography of 2nd type.

4th class cross.

Gold, enamel.
Size 39.8 x 36.0 mm.
Marked with St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period (alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56) and maker's mark "A.Б" for Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/.

4th class Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class Order of Saint George  made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg

4th class Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class  Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class cross.

Gold, enamel.
Width 36.5 mm.
Marked with St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period (alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56) and maker's mark "A.Б" for Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/.

4th class Order of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

4th class Order of Saint George  made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg


4th class Order of Saint  George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

Same cross under a different light.

Orders of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov.jpg
Orders of Saint  George made by the Alexander Brylov.jpg


Orders of Saint George made by the Alexander  Brylov.jpg
Gold, enamel.
Size 35 х 39 mm.
Weight 10.46 g.

Marked with partly readable St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period (alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56) and unreadable maker's mark.

4th class Saint George order  made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

4th class Saint  George order  made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

Iconography comparison with "А.Б"-marked cross.

4th class Saint George order  made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg
4th class Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg

4th class Saint  George order  made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg
4th class  Order of Saint George made by  Alexander Brylov workshop Александр Брылов.jpg
4th class cross from the collection of Swedish Army Museum /Armémuseum/, Stockholm.

Gold, enamel.
Size 36.5 х 39 mm.

Marked with partly readable St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period (alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56) and partly readable maker's mark "A.Б" for Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/.

Order of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg
Order of Saint  George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

Iconography comparison of two А.Б-marked crosses.

А.Б-marked cross.jpg

Iconography  А.Б-marked cross.jpg
Iconography  А.Б-marked cross..jpg
Another 4th class cross with unreadable marks and distinctive features of Brylov-made medallions.

Gold, enamel.
Size 37.2 mm.
Weight 9.79 g.

Order of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

Order of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov  workshop.jpg

Iconography comparison with the previous cross.

Order of Saint George made  by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

Order of Saint George  made  by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg
Gold, enamel.
Size 37.5 х 41.5 mm.
Weight 7.9 g.

Marked with partly readable St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period (alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56) and partly readable maker's mark "A..".

Орден Святого Георгия мастерской Брылова.png
4th class St. George cross with typical for Alexander Brylov /А.Б/ workshop iconography and interesting provenance.

4th class St. George cross with iconography typical for Alexander Brylov.jpg

Mounted in a glazed fitted case, the reverse with the following label inscription: "Decorations plus miniature decorations belonging to the Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovitch and given by him to us as a souvenir of his residence with us at Tehran from May 1917 to September 1918, and our journey thence to London. C. M. M.".
АБ-made cross of classical iconography of 2nd type.

Gold, enamel.
Size 39.4 × 35.5 mm.
Weight 9.19 g.

Marked with St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period (alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56) and maker's mark "A.Б" for Alexander Brylov workshop /Александр Брылов/.

Орден святого георгия 4-й степени мастерской Брылова.jpg

Орден  святого георгия 4-й степени мастерской Брылова.jpg

Орден святого георгия 4-й  степени мастерской Брылова.jpg

Орден святого георгия 4-й степени мастерской  Брылова.jpg


Орден святого  георгия 4-й степени мастерской Брылова.jpg
4th class cross from the collection of Hillwood Estate, Museum & Gardens.

Gold, enamel.
Size (including the ring) 38.1 mm.
Marked with St. Petersburg gold hallmark for 56th gold from 1908+ time period (alpha, female head in a kokoshnik to the right, 56) and unreadable maker's mark.

4th class Order of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.jpg

4th class Order of Saint George  made by the Alexander Brylov workshop.JPG

Black and white photo from old museum catalogue.

4th class Order of Saint George made by the Alexander Brylov  workshop.jpg
The ambiguity of the iconography of А.Б-made crosses.

Unfortunately, in the absence (or illegibility) of maker`s mark, the above iconography cannot be used to unambiguously identify the manufacturer of the cross. Medallions with a similar (actually identical) iconography were used by several different manufacturers. To date the true reason for this is unknown. Hypothetically, Brylov's workshop supplied other workshops with its medallions (or, on the contrary, was one of the medallion buyers). Another possibility - Brylov's workshop bought crosses from several independent workshops.

N.A/Н.А marked crosses https://asiamedals.info/threads/orders-of-st-george-made-by-n-a-n-a-workshop.26847/#post-359542

Central medallion of "А.Б"-marked cross is on the right.

Орден Святого Георгия 4-й  степени клеймо Н.А.jpg
Орден святого георгия 4-й  степени мастерской Брылова.jpg
"1867 anomaly".

All known orders of St. George of "Brylov iconography" belong to the period of late 1890s/1917. But this 4th class order of Saint George has St.Petersburg assay office year mark "1867" on its ring. Reverse medallion also has features that are typical for crosses of "Brylov iconography" .

4th class Order  of Saint George.jpg
4th class Order  of Saint  George.jpg

So how this "anomaly" was created?
Recipe: two original central medallions from "Brylov" Saint George order + original IK-made 3rd class Saint Anna order from 1867 (two ring balls were cut down, grids were removed and enamel was relaid).
"French bogus".

Sold as "French-made 3rd class order of Saint George".

Gold, enamel.
Size 49 х 55 mm.
Weight 16.73 g.

Fake St.George Cross.jpg

Recipe: one original obverse medallion from "Brylov" Saint George order + one fake reverse medallion of Saint George order + one original commander cross of the order of the Oak Crown of Luxembourg in gold.

Luxembourg Order of the Oaken Crown Commander Cross.jpg

Сook on low heat until fully cooked.

Same cross under a different light.

Fake Saint George Cross.jpg
Fake Saint George  Cross.jpg

Fake Saint  George Cross.jpg
  • Tags
    imperial russian order made by aб imperial russian order made by brylov workshop order made by the alexander brylov workshop orders of saint george made by brylov workshop именное клеймо а.б именное клеймо аб мастерская александра брылова орден святого георгия 4 класса орден святого георгия клеймо а.б орден святого георгия клеймо аб орден святого георгия мастерской брылова орден святого георгия частник орден святого георгия частной работы русский императорский орден мастерской брылова
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