Japanese Submariner Badges with Restored and Resoldered Hooks

One can quite often find badges with resoldered (or completely restored) catching hooks. This is a direct consequence of forcing down the catching hook for a more secure fastening of the badge to the uniform.

Typical example of such badge from personal collection.

Japanese Submariner Badge.jpg
Japanese  Submariner Badge.jpg

Original case.

Japanese  Submariner  Badge.jpg
Badge with original vs. badge with resoldered hook.

Japanese Submariner Badges.jpg

Japanese Submariner  Badges.jpg
This time even original submarine was lost and crudely restored.

Japanese Submariner Badge with Replaced Hook.jpg
Japanese  Submariner Badge with Replaced Hook.jpg

Japanese Submariner  Badge with Replaced Hook.jpg

Japanese Submariner Badge  with Replaced Hook.jpg
Badge with the most accurate resoldered hook.

Japanese Submariner Badges with  Resoldered Hook.jpg

Japanese  Submariner Badges with  Resoldered Hook.jpg

Japanese Submariner Badges  with  Resoldered Hook.jpg
Another cased badge with replaced catching hook.

Japanese Submariner Badge with Restored  Hook.jpg
Japanese Submariner Badge  with Restored  Hook.jpg

Japanese Submariner  Badge with Restored  Hook.jpg

Japanese  Submariner Badge with Restored  Hook.jpg

Japanese Submariner Badge with  Restored  Hook.jpg
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    japanese submariner badge japanese submariner badges with restored hook repaired japanese submariner badge 潜水艦修業徽章
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