Japan Defense Ski Qualification Badge/日本国防スキー 適任章

With the entry to the Second Sino-Japanese War Japanese government limited the citizenʼs life style, sports, and entertainment. Voluntarily refrain was called for, and ski was no exception since it was already established as a mean of entertainment. During this change, the idea that ski should be used for national defense was promoted, and this was the beginning of "ski for national defense".​

Japan Defense Ski Qualification Badge.jpg

Japan  Defense Ski Qualification Badge.jpg


日本國防スキー - Japan Defense Ski

For some unknown reason year was cut.

適任章 - Qualification Badge

主催 - Organized by

京都スキー連盟 - Kyoto Ski Federation

京都中等学校スキー連盟 - Kyoto Junior High School Ski Federation

後援- Under Patronage

京都連隊区司令部 - Kyoto Regimental District Headquarters

大阪毎日京都支局 - Osaka Mainichi [Shimbun https://asiamedals.info/threads/osaka-mainichi-shimbun-badges-and-watch-fobs.24611] Japan Kyoto Branch Office
  • Tags
    japan defense ski qualification badge japan national defence badge japanese army ski training badge japanese badge japanese ski training badge osaka mainichi shimbun badge 京都連隊区司令部章 大阪毎日京都支局 日本国防スキー 適任章 適任章
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