Imperial Military Reservist Association Cufflinks/帝国在郷軍人會カフスボタン

Imperial Military Reservist Association Cufflinks 帝国在郷軍人會カフスボタン.jpg

Cufflinks in the form of the Imperial Military Reservist Association membership badge.

Imperial  Military Reservist Association Cufflinks 帝国在郷軍人會カフスボタン.jpg

Imperial Military  Reservist Association Cufflinks 帝国在郷軍人會カフスボタン.jpg
Imperial Military   Reservist Association Cufflinks.jpg

堺聨隊區司令部 紀元二千六百年記念.jpg

Inside the case

紀元二千六百年記念 - 2600th [Anniversary of Empire] Commemorative

堺聨隊區司令部 - Sakai Regimental District Headquarters (Imperial japanese army districts were split into divisional districts. These, in turn, were divided into regimental districts/連隊区 which raise recruits for all arms and services)

堺聨隊區司令部 紀元二千六百年 記念.jpg

堺聨隊區司令部  紀元二千六百年 記念.jpg

Made in the form of the Advisor/Councilor badge.

堺聨隊區司令部   紀元二千六百年記念.jpg
Another cased set.

Imperial Military Reservist Association Cufflinks.jpg

謹製 - Made by

西川金壽堂 - Nishikawa Kinsodo

Imperial Military  Reservist Association Cufflinks.jpg

- Gift

堺聨隊區司令部 - Sakai Regimental District Headquarters

Imperial  Military Reservist Association Cufflinks.jpg
  • Tags
    imperial military reservist association cufflinks japan imperial military reservist association japanese army cufflinks japanese cufflinks 帝国在郷軍人會カフスボタン
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