History and Badges of Imperial Russian Water Rescue Society


In Russia, the first water rescue society was the local one in Vyborg, with an extremely limited range of activities. The idea of establishing a number of sea rescue stations in Russia at the expense of private individuals arose among sailors at the initiative of Captain 1st Rank Freygang, who in 1866 collected a small amount of money and proposed to announce a general subscription between sailors. The project for establishing a rescue society was discussed in a special committee chaired by Admiral K.N. Posyet, from representatives from the ministries of maritime and finance and from exchange committees. In 1871, the Charter of the "Society for Providing Relief for Shipwrecks" was approved. It was placed under the jurisdiction of the Naval Ministry, chaired by one of the admirals. The first chairman of the Society and its founder was Admiral Konstantin Nikolaevich Posyet. The Central Council of the Society was located in St. Petersburg on Sadovaya Street, 50-b. The three-story building was built (1893 - 1894 by architect-engineer Pyotr Stanislavovich Kupinsky) for the main board of the Russian Water Rescue Society. Funds for the construction of the building were collected by subscription throughout Russia. The building housed an office, a library, a museum, and a meeting room. On the ground floor there was a warehouse where boats and other means of survival on the waters were stored.

On October 20, 1871, Grand Duchess Tsesarevna Maria Feodorovna took the Society under her patronage, and Grand Duke Heir Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich accepted the title of First Full Member of the Society. The amount collected for the establishment of the society (over 60,000 rubles) amounted to inviolable fixed capital.

In 1880, the society was renamed into the “Water Rescue Society”, and on November 16, 1892, the Emperor granted the Society the name “Imperial Russian Water Rescue Society”. In 1894, a new charter was approved, and the tasks of the society were significantly expanded: in addition to rescuing people dying on the waters, the scope of the society’s tasks began to include taking measures to prevent the loss of people and ships and to eliminate the causes of emergency situations on ships. The society had the right to reward for selflessness and courage in saving the dead and for other services to society with cash payments, commendable reviews (3 degrees), a silver and gold badge of the society, a silver and gold medal, the title of honorary member and, finally, in cases of particularly outstanding services, to ask for the highest awards to persons, especially those who have distinguished themselves. Management of the affairs of the society belonged to the main board in St. Petersburg. It consisted of a chairman, two comrades (deputies) and 12 members; Only an admiral or a general in the naval department is elected as chairman of the society. The technical part was headed by the chief inspector of the company, with assistant inspectors. Management of affairs within one province or region belonged to district boards, which consisted of a chairman, a comrade (deputy) and 6 to 9 members elected by the district general meeting for three years. In the event of the establishment of a new rescue institution in an area that was not yet part of any district, an extra-district department of the society was established from local members of the society.

From 1872 to 1914, 97 districts and 46 departments of the society were created, uniting 8.2 thousand members.


В России первым по времени обществом спасения на водах стало местное выборгское, с крайне ограниченным кругом деятельности. Мысль об устройстве в России целого ряда морских спасательных станций на средства частных лиц возникла в среде моряков по почину капитана 1 ранга Фрейганга, который в 1866 г. собрал небольшую сумму денег и предложил объявить общую подписку между моряками. Проект учреждения спасательного общества обсуждался в особом комитете, под председательством адмирала К.Н. Посьета, из представителей от министерств морского и финансов и от биржевых комитетов. В 1871 г. был утвержден Устав «Общества подания помощи при кораблекрушениях». Оно было поставлено в ведение морского министерства, под председательством одного из адмиралов. Первым председателем Общества и его основателем стал адмирал Константин Николаевич Посьет. Центральный Совет общества располагался в Санкт-Петербурге на Садовой улице, 50-б. Трехэтажное здание было построено (1893 - 1894 гг. инженер-архитектор Петр Станиславович Купинский) для главного правления «Российского общества спасения на водах». Средства на строительство здания собирались по подписке по всей России. В здании размещалась канцелярия, библиотека, музей, зал заседаний. В первом этаже был склад, где хранились лодки и другие средства спасения на водах.

20 октября 1871 г. Государыня Великая Княгиня Цесаревна Мария Федоровна приняла Общество под свое покровительство, а Великий Князь Наследник Цесаревич Александр Александрович принял звание Первого действительного члена Общества. Cумма, собранная для образования общества (свыше 60 000 руб.), составила неприкосновенный основной капитал.

В 1880 г. состоялось переименование общества в «Общество спасения на водах», а 16 ноября 1892 г. Государь император даровал Обществу наименование «Императорского Российского Общества спасания на водах». В 1894 г. был утвержден новый устав, причем задачи общества значительно расширены: кроме спасения людей, гибнущих на водах, в круг задач общества стало входить принятие мер к предупреждению гибели людей и судов и к устранению причин возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций на судах. Общество имело право награждать за самоотвержение и отвагу при спасении погибающих и за другие услуги обществу денежными выдачами, похвальными отзывами (3-х степеней), серебряным и золотым знаком общества, серебряной и золотой медалью, званием почетного члена и, наконец, в случаях особенно выдающихся услуг, испрашивать Высочайших наград лицам, особенно отличившимся. Заведование делами общества принадлежало главному правлению в Санкт-Петербурге. Оно состояло из председателя, двух товарищей (заместителей) и 12-и членов; в председатели общества выбирается исключительно адмирал или состоящий в морском ведомстве генерал. Технической частью заведовал главный инспектор общества, при котором состояли инспектора-помощники. Заведование делами в пределах одной губернии или области принадлежало окружным правлениям, которые состояли из председателя, товарища (заместителя) и 6 - 9-и членов, избираемых окружным общим собранием на три года. В случае устройства нового спасательного учреждения в местности, не вошедшего еще в состав какого-либо округа, учреждался, из местных членов общества, внеокружной отдел общества.

С 1872 по 1914 г. было создано 97 округов и 46 отделов общества, объединявших 8,2 тысяч членов.
Type 1872 membership badges.

The membership badge is a straight Greek cross covered with red enamel. Along the enamel there is an inscription made in Slavic letters: "FOR THE RESCUE OF THOSE PERISHING AT THE SEA/ЗА СПАСЕНIЕ ПОГИБАЮЩИХЪ НА МОРЕ". Two crossed anchors pass between the beams. The badge was worn on a rosette /cockade/ the color of the ribbon of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. The badge has two classes: gold badge /made in silver with gilded borders and inscription/ and silver badge /made in silver/.

The right to wear a gold badge was granted to Honorary Members, the Chairman of the Society, his comrade, members of the board, secretary, treasurer, inspector and members contributing at least two hundred rubles annually or two thousand rubles at a time.

The right to wear a silver badge was granted to members who contributed at least 50 rubles annually or 500 rubles at a time. The above-mentioned persons enjoyed the right to wear the badge only as long as they held these positions or made the specified contributions. Upon leaving the position or cessation of contributions, the badges, as well as the diploma for the title of member, were returned to the Society.

Badges were established on March 13, 1872.

Original regulation and line drawings.

Type 1872 membership badges.jpg

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On the same day Society award medals, Society flag, and Society seal were established.

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Original descriptions from the 1871 Society charter.

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Type 1894 membership badges.

Members of the society could be persons of both sexes, all ranks and classes. The Society member’s badge, gold or silver, on a rosette /cockade/ made out of St. Andrew’s ribbon, is assigned to those performing well-known positions in the Society, just as it can be assigned to those who make a certain contribution to the Society or provide special services to the Society. The badge is worn by men on the left side of the chest, and by ladies on the left shoulder. Both badges can be issued or purchased, with the right to wear: a) for life; b) during the continuation of the performance of the position to which the badge was assigned, and c) while the person who acquired the badge performs the established duty receiving a contribution badge.

Golden badge on the St. Vladimir ribbon rosette /cockade/ issued exclusively for extraordinary feats of selflessness and courage in rescuing the dying /исключительно за выходящие из ряда подвиги самоотвержения и отваги при спасании погибающих/. The badge is a straight Greek cross made in silver and covered with red enamel. It has gilded borders and gilded imperial crown. Along the enamel there is an inscription made in Slavic letters: "FOR RESCUE OF DROWNING PERSONS/ЗА СПАСАНIЕ УТОПАВШИХЪ". Two crossed anchors pass between the beams.

Golden badge on the St. Andrew's ribbon rosette /cockade/ issued: a) for lifelong wear - to honorary members of the Society, philanthropic members and members in general who have contributed 2,000 rubles or more at a time; b) for wearing while a member in the position he assumed: the Chairman of the Society, his two Comrades, members of the Main Board, the secretary, the chief inspector, the treasurer and the assistants of the chief inspector who are attached to the Main Board, and c) for payment, as long as the person who received the badge makes an annual contribution of at least 200 rubles. The badge is a straight Greek cross made in silver and covered with red enamel. It has gilded borders and gilded imperial crown. Along the enamel there is an inscription made in Slavic letters: "ОБЩЕСТВО СПАСАНIЯ НА ВОДАХЪ/WATER RESCUE SOCIETY". Two crossed anchors pass between the beams.

Silver badge on the St. Andrew's ribbon rosette /cockade/ issued a) for the purpose of honorary lifetime members of districts and members who contributed 500 rubles at a time, secretaries and treasurers who have usefully served for three years without pay; b) to be worn while in office: the Chairman and members, secretary, treasurer and doctor of the District Estate Boards, as well as the naval engineer, doctor, editor and artist who are attached to the District Boards, and local inspectors who are attached to the District Boards , counted among the last and district inspectors, and c) for execution, until the person who received the sign, to produce annually contribution of at least 50 rubles. The badge is a straight Greek cross made in silver and covered with red enamel. Along the enamel there is an inscription made in Slavic letters: "ОБЩЕСТВО СПАСАНIЯ НА ВОДАХЪ/WATER RESCUE SOCIETY". Two crossed anchors pass between the beams.

Badges were established on March 31, 1894.

Original regulation and line drawings.

Type 1894  membership  badges.jpg
Type 1894 membership_badges.jpg


Знаки Императорского Российского Общества спасания на водах.jpg

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Type 1894 membership badges.jpg

Type  1894 membership badges.jpg
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    badges of imperial russian water rescue society history of imperial russian water rescue society imperial russian water rescue society badge знак императорского общества спасения на водах знаки российского общества спасения на водах императорское российское общество спасания водах нагрудный знак общества спасения на водах общество подания помощи при кораблекрушениях российского общества спасения на водах знак российского общества спасения на водах история уложения на знаки общества спасения на водах
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