Badge of an Official of the Order of St. Stanislaus

For officials of the Order of St. Stanislaus (master of ceremonies, secretary and two heralds) the statute of May 28, 1839 established an official badge in the form of a reduced cross of this order of the 3rd degree, circled around two gold hoops with the saint's monograms between them. The master of ceremonies wore this badge around his neck on the ribbon of the 2nd degree of the order and the secretary and heralds in the buttonhole on the ribbon of the 3rd degree of the order.

/Для официалов ордена Святого Станислава (церемониймейстера, секретаря и двух герольдов) статутом 1839 г. устанавливался официальский знак в виде уменьшенного креста этого ордена 3-й степени, обведенного вокруг двумя золотыми обручами с вензелями святого между ними. Церемониймейстер носил этот знак на шее на ленте 2-й степени ордена, а секретарь и герольды - в петлице на ленте 3-й степени ордена./​

Excerpt from original statute.


Rare model specimen from the collection of Moscow Kremlin Museums. Made by Julius Keibel workshop.

Gold, enamel.
Size 36 × 41 mm.
Weight 14 g.

Badge of an Official of the Order of St. Stanislaus.jpg
Badge of an Official of the Order of St. Stanislaus.jpg

Obviously fakers have never seen the reverse of the original badge.

Fake Badge of an  Official of the Order of St. Stanislaus.jpg

Fake  Badge of an  Official of the Order of St. Stanislaus.jpg


Fake Badge of an  Official of  the Order of St. Stanislaus.jpg

Fake Badge of an  Official of the Order of  St. Stanislaus.jpg
Fake made out of original "IK"-made 3rd class cross.
Diameter of the ring 50 mm.
Weight 16.9 g.

Fake Badge of an  Official of the Order of  St. Stanislaus.jpg

Fake Badge of an  Official of the Order of  St.  Stanislaus.jpg

Ribbon - that is something else.

Fake  Badge of an  Official of the Order of  St. Stanislaus.jpg

You've gotta be kidding.

Fake Badge of an  Official of the Order of  St. Stanislaus.jpg

Even "original case". One hell of rarity.

Fake Badge of an Official of the Order of St. Stanislaus.jpg

Fake Badge of an Official of the Order of  St. Stanislaus.jpg
Another victimized "IK"-made 3rd class order of St. Stanislaus.

Fake Officials badge of the Order of St. Stanislaus.jpg
  • Tags
    abzeichen für die ordensbeamten badge of official badge of official of the order of st. stanislaus imperial russian awards imperial russian order order of st. stanislaus order of st. stanislaus official`s badge st. stanislaus orden знак официала ордена святого станислава знак официальский ордена святого станислава награды императорской россии орден святого станислава ордена императорской россии
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