5th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1904 to an Army Infantry Major Chūjirō Umemura for the Siege of Port Arthur

Document was issued on December 1, 1904 to Major Chūjirō Umemura /梅村忠治郎/.
Golden Kite order certificate No. 5799.

Size 46.5 × 64 cm.

5th class Golden Kite order document issued in 1904.jpg

5th class Golden Kite order document issued  in 1904.jpg

Emperor Meiji signature.

5th class Golden Kite order document  issued in 1904.jpg


5th class  Golden Kite order document issued in 1904.jpg

5th class Golden Kite order  document issued in 1904.jpg
On November 30, 1901 Captain Chūjirō Umemura was awarded with the 5th class Sacred Treasure order /suppression of Boxer Rebellion/.
Sacred Treasure order certificate No. 77 570.

Size 46.5× 64 cm.

5th class Sacred  Treasure.jpg

5th class Sacred Treasure.jpg
On October 31, 1895 Lieutenant Chūjirō Umemura was awarded with the 6h class Rising Sun order /1st Sino-Japanese War/.
Rising Sun order certificate No. 15 620.

Size 46.5×64 cm.

6h class Rising  Sun order.jpg

6h class Rising Sun order.jpg
  • Tags
    5th class golden kite order document 1904 5th class golden kite order siege of port arthur golden kite order awarded for port arthur golden kite order for the siege of port arthur japanese order of golden kite kinshi kunshō order of the golden kite award certificate order of the golden kite award document 功五級金鵄勲章 金鵄勲章
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