1936 Army Special Large Maneuvers Imperial Inspection Commemorative Badge/北海道陸軍特別大演習帝国在郷軍人會御報閲記念章

Obviously cavalier (or somebody else) decided to convert his badge into watch fob.

昭和十一年 北海道 陸軍 特別大演習 帝国在郷軍人会章.jpg
昭和十一年 北海道 陸軍 特別大演習 帝国在郷軍人会章.jpg


御報閲記念 - Imperial Inspection Commemorative


陸軍特別大演習 - Army Special Large Maneuvers

北海道 - Hokkaido

帝国在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association

昭和十一年 - 1936
This converted shooting badge belong to the same owner.

Converted japanese shooting badge.jpg
Converted  japanese shooting badge.jpg
  • Tags
    1936 army special large maneuvers badge imperial military reservist association imperial military reservist association badge japanese army badge japanese badge 北海道陸軍特別大演習記念章 帝国在郷軍人會御報閲記念章
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