1917-1922 Siberia Expedition Commemorative Watch Fob/1917-1922年西伯利亜出征記念章

Width 22 mm.
Weight 3.75 g.

1917-1922 Siberia Expedition Commemorative Watch Fob.jpg


西伯利亜出征記念 - Siberia Expedition Commemorative

大正六年 大正十一年 - 1917-1922


Map of Japanese troops transportation

ウラジオ = 浦塩 - Urajiō = Vladivostok /lit. "Salt Bay"/

ツルカ - Tsuruga /Tsuruga city is located in Fukui Prefecture, Japan. In the Meiji era, shipping routes between Tsuruga, Korea, and, respectively Eastern Russia (Vladivostok) were opened/

マイヅル - Maizuru /A city in the north of Kyoto Prefecture, facing Wakasa Bay with a military port Higashi-Maizuru/.
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    1917-1922 siberia expedition commemorative badge 1917-1922年西伯利亜出征記念章 1922年西伯利亜出征記念章 siberia expedition badge siberia expedition commemorative badge siberia expedition commemorative watch fob siberia expedition japanese award 西伯利亜出征記念章
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