10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire Japanese Celebratory Arts Envoy Badge/満洲建國拾周年慶祝芸能使節章

Size 30 x 20 mm.

10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire Badge.jpg


満洲建國拾周年 - 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire

慶祝芸能使節 - Celebratory [Performing] Arts Envoy

10th Anniversary  of Manchukuo Empire Badge.jpg


満洲建国拾周年慶祝会 - 10th Anniversary of Manchukuo Empire Celebration Committee

魅日満洲帝國大使舘 - Ambassador of Japan in Manchukuo Empire

對満事務局 = 対満事務局 - Secretariat of Manchukuo

10th Anniversary of Manchukuo  Empire Badge.jpg
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    10th anniversary of manchukuo empire badge 1942 manchukuo 10th anniversary badge badge with manchukuo flag commemorative badge with manchukuo flag great manchukuo empire badge japanese puppet state badge manchukuo badge 慶祝芸能使節バッジ 満洲建国バッジ 満洲建国拾周年慶祝会バッジ 満洲建国拾周年慶祝会慶祝芸能使節バッジ 満洲建國拾周年慶祝芸能使節章 満洲建國拾周年章
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