youth league badge

  1. Osaka City Seika Youth League Officer Badge/大阪市精華青年団役員章

    Reverse 役員章 - Officer Badge 大阪市 - Osaka City 精華青年団 - Seika Youth League
  2. Ampachi District Youth League Membership Badge/安八郡青年団員章

    Unidentifiable without original case. Only stylized 青 Original case. 安八郡 - Ampachi District,_Gifu 青年団員章 - Youth League Membership Badge
  3. 15th Congress of the Great Japan Youth League Badge/大日本青年團第十五回大會日満支青年交驩會章

    On September 16, 1939 representatives of the Youth Leagues of Japan, Manchukuo and China gathered for the 15th Congress in Seoul. Obverse 大日本青年團第十五回大會 - Great Japan Youth League Congress [Convention] 日満支青年交驩會 - Japan-Manchuria-China Youth Exchange of Courtesies [Fraternization] Gathering...
  4. Yamagata Prefecture Youth League Badge/山形県青年団員章

    Reverse 青年団員章 - Youth League Membership Badge 山形県 - Yamagata Prefecture
  5. Nara Prefecture Youth League Leader Training Course Completion Badge/奈良県青年団指導者專修所修了章

    Reverse 青年団指導者專修所修了章 - Youth League Leader Training Course Completion Badge 奈良県 - Nara Prefecture
  6. Niigata Prefecture Youth League Award Badges/新潟県青年団表彰章

    1st type. Obverse 表彰 - Award/Commendation reverse 新潟県青年団 - Niigata Prefecture Youth League
  7. Membership Badges of Youth League/青年団員章

    1st variation. Reverse reads 青年團員章 - Youth League Membership Badge 大日本聨合青年團 - Dai Nippon Rengo Seinendan Original paper wrapper. Badge with replaced pin. Size 16.9 mm. 2nd variation. Reverse 青年團 - Youth League 團員章 - League Membership Badge