15th Congress of the Great Japan Youth League Badge/大日本青年團第十五回大會日満支青年交驩會章

On September 16, 1939 representatives of the Youth Leagues of Japan, Manchukuo and China gathered for the 15th Congress in Seoul.



大日本青年團第十五回大會 - Great Japan Youth League Congress [Convention]

日満支青年交驩會 - Japan-Manchuria-China Youth Exchange of Courtesies [Fraternization] Gathering


於京城 - at Keijō (name given to Seoul during the Japanese occupation)

紀元二千五百九十九年 = 2599 - 1939

九月十六.十七.日 - September 16-17

But what is the fate of this badge!
It was found wrapped in this handkerchief.

Souvenir of Tokyo [to my Peach].



Handkerchief was kept with envelope.


Another GI bring back.
Specimen from the collection of Don Pfeifer.

15th Congress of the Great Japan Youth League Badge.jpg
15th Congress of  the Great Japan Youth League Badge.jpg
Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner.

Height 53.3 mm.
Width 32.7 mm.
Weight 5.6 g.

15th Congress of the Great Japan Youth League Badge.jpg
15th  Congress of the Great Japan Youth League Badge.jpg
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    japan-manchukuo-china badge japanese youth league badge youth corps badge youth league badge 大日本青年团第十五回大会日満支青年交驩会章 大日本青年团第十五回大会章 大日本青年團第十五回大會日満支青年交驩會章 大日本青年團第十五回大會章 日満支青年交驩会章
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