suzuki workshop badges

  1. Japan Seafarers Relief Association Male Version of Special Lifetime Member Badge/日本海員掖濟會男子特別終身會員章

    The only formal differences between the badges of male special member of the association and male lifetime special member are blue enamelled metal flower on a ribbon and additional...
  2. 1929 World Engineering Congress in Tokyo Participant Badge/1929年萬国工業会議章

    萬國工業會議 - World Engineering Congress WEC = World Engineering Congress Ribbon was lost.
  3. Supporting Member's Badge of Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association/帝国軍人後援会賛助會員徽章

    Several manufacturers and numerous stamp variations are known. 1st variation made by Suzuki workshop. Reverse 帝國軍人後援會 - Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association Original case. 帝國軍人後援會 - Imperial Soldiers' Relief Association 賛助徽章 - Supporting [Member of Association] Badge Label of...
  4. Unofficial Imperial Rescript on Education Commemorative Medal/教育勅語記念章

    About Imperial Rescript on Education (and related objects) see Gilded silver version. Private collection. Photos courtesy of the owner. Reverse 教育敕語紀念章 - Imperial Rescript on Education Commemorative...
  5. Imperial Military Reservist Association Membership Badges of 1st type made by Suzuki workshop

    1st variation. Marked 鈴木製 - made by Suzuki