russo-japanese war commemorative badge

  1. 1904 Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七年国威発揚戦役記念章

    Size 23 x 26 mm. Thickness 1 mm. Weight 5.2 g. Obverse 国威発揚 = 國威宣揚 - Enhancement of National Prestige/Promote the National Glory/Increase the Prestige of the Country reverse 明治三十七年 - 1904 戦役記念 - War Commemorative
  2. Yuunagi Branch of Imperial Military Reservist Association 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Badge/帝國在郷軍人會タ凪分會日露戦役三十周年記念戰功章

    Size 27 x 25 mm. Obverse 戰功 -Distinguished/Meritorious Military Service reverse 日露戦役三十周年記念 - 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative 帝國在郷軍人會 - Imperial Military Reservist Association タ凪分會 - Yuunagi /Osaka City, Minato Ward/ Branch
  3. 1904 Attacking Russia Watch Fob with a photo of Marshal-Admiral Prince Higashifushimi Yorihito/東伏見宮依仁親王明治三十七年征露記念章

    Rare design. Size 19 mm. Obverse 征露記念 - Attacking [Conquer; Subjugate] Russia Commemorative 明治三十七年 - 1904 Marshal-Admiral Prince Higashifushimi Yorihito (東伏見宮依仁親王, Higashifushimi-no-miya Yorihito-Shinnō, September 19, 1867 – June 27, 1922) was the second (and last) head of the...
  4. Imperial Military Reservist Association 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Cufflinks/帝國在郷軍人會日露戦役三十周年記念カフスボタン

    Obverse Imperial Military Reservist Association emblem (see also reverse 日露戦役三十周年記念 - 30th Anniversary of the...
  5. Military Personnel Comfort Association War Campaign Commemorative Badge/慰安会戦役記念章

    Obverse 戦役 - War Campaign 記念 -Commemorative 慰安會 - [Military Personnel] Comfort/Consolation Association
  6. 16th Infantry Regiment 2nd Battalion Port Arthur Siege Commemorative Watch Fob/歩兵第十六連隊第二大隊旅順口攻囲軍記念之章

    Size 26 mm. Weight 6.5 g. Obverse 旅順口攻囲軍記念之章 - Port Arthur Siege Army Commemorative Badge/Medal reverse 歩兵第十六聯隊 - 16th Infantry Regiment 第弐大隊 - 2nd Battalion
  7. 50th Reserve Infantry Regiment 1904-1905 War Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七八年戦役紀念後備歩兵第五十連隊章

    Size 27 x 19 mm. Weight 7 g. Reverse 明治三十七八年戦役紀念 - 1904-1905 War Commemorative 後備歩兵第五十聯隊 - 50th Reserve Infantry Regiment Original case.
  8. 1904 Russo-Japanese War Declaration Commemorative Compass/明治三七年二月十日宣戦發布征露記念方位磁石記章

    See also Size 40 x 25 mm. In the center of reverse 征露記念 - Attacking Russia around the reverse 明治三七年二月十日 - February 10th, 1904 宣戦發布 -...
  9. 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Citizen Shooting Competition Watch Fob/市民射撃大会日露戦役三十周年記念章

    Reverse 日露戦役三十周年記念 - 30th Anniversary of the Russo-Japanese War Commemorative 市民射撃大會 - Citizen Shooting Competition 主催 - Organizer 新愛知新聞社 - Shin Aichi Shinbunsha /New Aichi Shimbun Newspaper/
  10. Russo-Japanese War Victory Commemorative Watch Fob with marks "Star and Crescent" and "N inside Rhombus"/明治丗七年戰捷記念章

    1st variation marked with "N inside rhombus". Size 24x18 mm. Thickness 1/5 mm. Weight 3.1 g. Obverse 戰捷記念 - Victory Commemorative 明治丗七年 - 1904 Mark.
  11. 1904 Attacking Russia Victory Celebration Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七年征露祝捷記念章

    Salty specimen. Obverse Panorama of Lushun /Port Arthur/ reverse 征露祝捷記念 - Conquering/Attacking Russia Victory Celebration Commemorative 明治三十七年 - 1904
  12. Meiji Era War Commemorative Monument Construction Association Membership Badges/明治聖代戦役記念碑建設會會員之章

    Regular member's badge. 1st stamp variation. Reverse 明治聖代 - Meiji Era 戦役記念 - War Commemorative 碑建設會會員之章 - Membership Badge of Monument Construction Association
  13. 1904 Tokyo Artillery Arsenal Service Conquering Russia Lushun Fall Commemorative Watch Fob/明治三十七年束京砲兵工厰在職番旅順階落征露記念章

    Obverse 征露記念 - Conquering/Attacking Russia Commemorative 旅順階落 - Lushun /Port Arthur/ Fall reverse 束京砲兵工厰在職番 - Tokyo Artillery Arsenal Serviceman 明治三十七年 - 1904
  14. Conquering Russia Army Triumphal Return Commemorative Unofficial Medal/征露軍凱旋記念章

    Low-quality die casted medal. Obverse 征露軍凱旋記念 - Conquering Russia Army Triumphal Return Commemorative
  15. Niigata City Shobukai Russo-Japanese War Commemorative Watch Fob/新潟市尚武會日露戦役記念章

    Reverse 日露戦役 - Russo-Japanese War 記念章 - Commemorative Badge 新潟市尚武會 - Shōbu-kai ("Warlike Spirit” Martial Arts Association)
  16. 1904 Attacking Russia Commemorative Badge/明治三十七年征露記念章

    See also Obverse 征露記念章 - Attacking Russia Commemorative Badge 明治三十七年- 1904
  17. Award Badge for the Russo-Japanese War from Japanese Red Cross/征露犒軍記章
  18. Japanese Red Cross Award Badge for the Russo-Japanese War/征露犒軍記章

    1st variation. Reverse 征露 - Conquest of Russian 犒軍記章 - Army Award [犒軍 - to reward the troops for their meritorious deeds ] Badge Original case. 征露犒軍記章 - Conquest of Russian Army Award Badge Badges were manufactured by Tenshōdō workshop in Tokyo /天賞堂謹製/...
  19. 9th Division Conquest of Russia Commemorative Watch Fob/九師弐輸征露役紀念章

    Obverse 征露役 - Conquest of Russia 紀念 - Commemorative 九師 - 9th Division 弐輸 - 2nd Transport Regiment The first commander of the 9th Division was Lieutenant General Ōshima Hisanao, who commanded the division as part of General Nogi Maresuke's Japanese Third Army in the Russo-Japanese War of...
  20. Tokyo City Russo-Japanese War Victory Celebration Association Badge/明治三十七年東京市祝捷会章

    Obverse 東京市祝捷會 - Tokyo City Victory Celebration Association reverse 明治三十七年 - 1904 Original case. 東京市祝捷會 - Tokyo City Victory Celebration Association 徽章 - Badge Badges were manufactured by Suzuki Umekichi workshop.